Friendly pub close to the station. It can get a bit busy when there is something on in Brighton or on a Saturday night. Beers decent staff pleasant, a bit pricey but I suppose that is to be expected due to location.
Good bitters on. Typical close to station pub though.
One of the better pubs around Brighton Station. They serve good ales, Timothy Taylor, Harvey’s Best and Doom Bar should be enough to satisfy Ale drinkers. Good pub for sport, the decor is modern and makes it feel like an upmarket sports bar, however, it has more personalised friendly feel to it. Have to mention The Manager, he has a dry sense of humour and makes you feel welcome, the guy is a professional. If I had owned a bar and want this guy running it.
scarr - 16 Jun 2013 00:05 |
Went in here yesterday morning. The dark haired barmaid is absolutely stunning.
This place should have a much better rating. In here on Saturday just before noon and three plasma screens are on. 2 showing rugby Reds v Lions and the other cricket Eng v Aussies. They have four hand pulls with one being unused. The other three had Tim Taylors Landlord. Doom Bar & Harvey’s BB. I had a pint of the later which was so nice I stopped here again on my way back to the station later in the evening for another. Cost was £3.60 a pint.
As stated in earlier posts, this place has recently had a refurb, so the rating is not a true reflection of the pub at the moment. On my last visit to watch the Enlgand match, it was very busy with a mixed clientele. Hobgoblin was decent, if a bit pricey at �3.50. Agree on the music choice - 90s club classics didn't really seem to fit with the trendy decor.
Visited September 2011 Lunchtime and Early Evening
Ok, so perhaps my lady and I wouldn't spend the night in there, but for our first and last stops in Brighton it was a pleasure. Landlord was most helpful to anyone who asked for his time, beer was just dandy and the train update screens behind the bar are excellent. 8/10
Its had a re-furb. Can only mean improvement. This place really was at the bottom of the barrell on my last visit, with only die hard regulars propping up the bar and 'you don't belong here' looks from anyone who is probably called either Barry or Clive at the bar The new look bar is modern, and clean. It still stands out as a small place to frequent, more of a passers pub now than a regulars, but whatever its future stands for, its better than it was! Service was polite and curteous on my visit
Sometimes you have to find forgiveness in your heart. Visited this place back in 2006 and it was about as pleasant as a recurrent kidney infection.
Passed by last week in the brilliant sunshine and it is making an effort. Friendly bar staff, it's smartened up and the service was friendly so it seems to have managed a turnaround.
Terenced will rush in for a pre-train beer next time he's in town.
Judging from the furnishings, they are trying to be trendy. Judging from the "music", endless, metronomic club stuff which is probably what is played at nightspots in Ibiza, they are failing.
Visited this pub while waiting for our train. I hadn't read any of the previous comments but they didn't represent my impressions. Friendly barmaid who checked the Harveys when I said that it didn't taste right and found it was at the end of the barrel - no quibbling. I was offered a replacement (Doombar) which was good. My wife enjoyed her white wine and commented on the clean glass it was served in. Form what has been written previously it would seem that the pub has been rebranded. I'll visit next time I'm in Brighton to see if my visist was a one off - hope not!!
The Railway Bell has recently been taken on by new owners and is currently closed for a major refurbishment. They are looking at opening again early July with a launch party a few weeks later with focus on friendly service for everyone and high standards. More details to follow, take the time to visit and see the new and Improved Railway Bell.
If you like your Stella with a hint of racism, then you could probably do no better (at least not in Brighton) than the Railway Bell. A nasty, grubby little pub that seems to be perpetually empty except when the English Defence League, National Front, BNP or March For England come to town, then they really pull out all the stops.
Avoid unless you think the place for a St. George flag is on either your chest, arm or forehead.
grebn - 26 Apr 2011 13:24 |
I am told that the Railway Bell hosted the right wing group the English Defence League (EDL) on a march in Brighton in April 2011. That's enough to make sure I never set foot in the place. I've only heard bad things about this pub. Fortunately there's many other great pubs around Brighton station so there's no need to go any where near it.
Awful pub, frequented by EDL/BNP & other unsavoury types, avoid at all costs!
I went there once - never again. Shitty pub - football hooligans. BNP/EDL would fit n there. If you are none of the above don't even bother!
Last time I went past it was full of bellowing football hooligan types draped in St George flags harassing passers-by. Avoid.
Popped in before getting the train back to Victoria. Bit of a dump but nice pint of Harvey's. MTV on the TV was obviously more for the benefit of the staff.
Very much a locals pub, not very friendly.
A bit of a shit-hole and with one of the most expensive pints in town. Could do with a hoover.
ok, may not be 5 star but at least it friendly and warm welcoming, sky sports, pool table and juke box what more do you need from a city centre pub and they now opened the beer garden. cool
Considering it charges �3.40 for a pint of lager, you�d think this pub would shampoo its carpet � the sort poorhouses got rid of in the 60s � at least once every 25 years. The furniture is also poorhouse chic and the d�cor is a first class example of the neo-myopia school.
well, after a long wait the pub is picking up, landlady down to earth and too the point. she scared a few people away with her straight talking, few events lined up so pop in to find out more.
Hardly threatening but a bit of a sad place really. Full of old boys and drop outs trying to make their pint last as long as half a dozen roll ups. Had a pretty poor half of Spitfire in here while waiting for a mate to arrive at the station, he was late which added to my discomfort.
Be afraid, be very afraid....
I suppose I should have been suspicious when, on a cold Friday night, the nearby Evening Star was heaving with people inside and out, while this place was almost deserted. Sure enough, as others have said, it's a dive. Badly needs refurbishment. No food. But I found it friendly enough, with a couple of real ales on, and I guess one should be grateful one can get a place to sit down so near the station.
This place is a dive, always agroo, STAY AWAY FOR UR OWN LIVES!
dead, year right, slowly picking up after a long wait, sooooooooo sad about the dead pricks in the closet and we going to prove wrong , one survive, all survive.
Depressing, threatening. aggressive looking hardcore of regulars. amazing that in this day and age it survives at all. Will be steering clear of this one.
Went in here on a Sunday afternoon, and there was maybe 6 or 7 other guests in, but I don't think one of them said a word during the 30 minutes I was there. Spooky! The place had all the atmosphere of an airport lounge - if that's what it's usually like then I feel sorry for those who go there regularly... With a couple of good drinking places very close I just can't see how this can survive.
soooooo sad, once a lovely pub, now dead as a squashed rat, { sorry roland }, what more can i say.
Get that crazy frog outta my pub...
anonymous - 13 Nov 2007 08:14 |
I hear Geoff the Frog likes it in here...
anonymous - 12 Nov 2007 15:26 |
The initiation ceremony you have to undergo to be accepted in this pub was outlawed in Estonia in 1993.
anonymous - 11 Oct 2007 08:38 |
I"ve read some stories about this place on here and boy what a laugh, 150 blokes yeah right, and where they get the cheese from ?, new landlady taken over real cool, even if you don"t , i like the place
Sounds like another average night in the Railway Bell. Or maybe not. 3 comments in 9 minutes??? No way Jose. I support P&F Butcher.
Who do you think you are making stories up like this about my pub? Sort of thing id expect some 14 year old chavs to be doing im going to report you to the police and to beer in the evening hope you get banned now go away your barred!
Pat & Frank Butcher - Railway Bellend
anonymous - 21 Jun 2007 21:49 |
I can vouch for what happenned when roland was in the pub, I was cheering for frunkie dettori to win the 4:55 but as we all know he couldn't ride his wife so he never won, I returned to the bar after losing a double carpet on the previous race and who do I see? Chris akabussi and peter andre were having a game of darts and enjoying a turbo shandy, then all this aggro started and peter dived under the pool table and chris defiantly roared AWOOOOOOGA then ran into the toilets where i still think he is, peter later died in hospital of meningitis.
Well i couldnt believe my eyes when i visited this pub this evening when i strolled in to have a quiet shandy bass with my boyfriend Roland! We ordered our drinks and sat underneath the tv watching the 4.55 at royal ascot when all of a sudden the windows came in and outside where a group of about 150 grown men in there 40s shouting IC ICF at the the door lead by a big coloured man in an aquascutum scarf and flat cap and inside there was two men with tattoos shouting come on hold your ground dressed in clone island clothes and hey were throwing plastic glasses and foyle ash trays back at them and then the police came dressed like robots with sticks chased these 150 men up the road and the two men in the pub not sure of there names one maybe was called beerman? and the other big james? started popping wine and port and eating chesse! To which me and roland drank our basses and headed back towards selsey bill chatting about a spolit night by these thugs!
anonymous - 21 Jun 2007 21:40 |
Seating outside really nice to watch Brighton life as it comes and go's
Shame about the inside though
warm welcoming place, good selection of music on the duke box.pool, darts and a good chatter over the bar,plenty of bar staff and two regulars to back up if needed. mixed aged group all friendly pub. don"t delay.. join us today
anonymous - 26 Feb 2007 23:59 |
A Lovely place, then i would say that, i been drinking in the bell for 7 years,nice staff and plenty of chatter, all sports shown darts and pool what other pub near the station offer you this NONE. you sad people that make negative comments about the bell are just stop overs, come and join us as a regular and see the difference
I appreciate your enthusiasm but the trouble is I did try it and I found it to be grim. Maybe it was a bad night...?
this pub is a very happy and is in to a lot of sport yes there is a lot of over 50 year olds but they stick to there group the bar is well staffed and with good bar chat this is proberly one of the best in BRIGHTON SO DON,T KNOCK IT TILL YOU TRY IT THE PERSON WHO RUNS IT NOW HAS BEEN THERE ABOUT 9 MONTHS
anonymous - 15 Nov 2006 12:53 |
Would largely agree with the original rawnsleys on this one.
A faint promise of random aggression by overweight fifty year old men compliments the bland range of ubiquitous lagers here. How people can be territorial over something so sub-standard is almost slightly evocative.
Avoid. Unless of course you (coughs) want some. Far better pubs around near the station.
Unpleasant pub. Uncomfortable atmosphere. Im sure the regulars know each others names, but they certainly wouldn't wanna know yours...
Popped in with a mate on way to the station, sat at the bar, and got rather unsavory looks from one guy sitting next to us...
Usual offerings on tap.
The only redeeming quality of this place was once visited on a friends stag do last Summer, and with the doors open and a large crowd it was a laugh. Wouldn't recommend at any other time though...
This must be the worst pub in the area. Its more of a working mans club atmos then a 21st century pub next to Brighton station. I get get the impression that to be excepted to this place is that you must need a skin head, smoke b&h, swear alot, wear a football shirt, have a prison number and to be a elite drinker of this plave have a asbo or prison number. The owners/Management must be so proud.
At least this pub is fairly clean and painted, unlike the Royal Standard - That's the worst around by the station. But the RB is full of old folks, or young folk pretending to be old. I woz pleased to get out.
Never liked this one. Get dragged in quite often because some of my friends like it but I dont. Bit of a dive. Allways the same people in there, mostly drunken Worthing folk waiting for the last train, not that theres anything wrong with drunken Worthing folk you understand.
anonymous - 16 May 2006 03:46 |
In this area around the station where there are pubs everywhere this is the worst. Judge for yourself but life is too short for me to spend my money in here
anonymous - 1 May 2006 21:37 |