My first visit to the Station for over 20 years, so as it appears in the Good Beer Guide for the last 2 years I thought I had better visit and give my own opinion.
10pm on Saturday night and out of the 11 hand pumps there were 7 ales on with 3 of them coming from Timothy Taylor, My pint of landlord was very good.
Busy with all of the punters either sat or standing in the pub part with the food area being empty. At least 4 bar staff on which meant there was no waiting to be served. Music playing, darts on the television’s (on silent).
I quite enjoyed my visit to the station but I will return as I think the pub has more to offer especially as on this visit I was at least 10 pints in & quite tired.
This is a large pub for drinkers and diners alike, adjacent to Hither Green station. The pub section was very busy yesterday evening with many watching live football. There was no room to sit and very little standing space either. Even getting to the bar was a challenge. The dining area was much quieter. Although it appears this is reserved for diners only. Plenty of staff to serve when you can finally manage an opening to the bar. Handpulls are spread all along the length of the bar, making choices difficult once you've finally found the opening. But I did manage to establish that yesterday's selection was Harveys Sussex Best Bitter, Purity Mad Goose, Jennings Cockle Warmer, Wychwood Piledriver, Dark Star Winter Meltdown, Timothy Taylor Landlord, St Austell Tribute & Castle Rock Harvest Pale. Cider was Thatchers Heritage. I'm not sure if I'll ever have cause to visit Hither Green again. But if I do, I'll pay this pub another visit.
All well and good having 6 real ales on, but only if there is a demand for it.
MSE12 - 11 Dec 2012 09:51 |
The new licencees have done a complete refit and refurbish, adding a dining area and creating a decent garden at the back. Six real ales routinely on tap. Good food at reasonable prices for what you get, which is posh versions of pub staples, sharing platters and gastropub meals. Service is considerably more welcoming to new patrons than previously. The fact that the place is now routinely full even on weeknights suggests they've judged their market right in an area that for better or worse is continuing to gentrify.
This re-opened last week after being shut for gentrification - its a pretty extensive refurb with doors to previously inaccessible outside area, wood floors etc.
A pint of lager has gone up by about 40p. The food menu is quite extensive but not cheap - �9.95 for a burger and chips.
Not sure if they will continue to show football on Saturdays and Sundays - I suspect not .
Punch Taverns have now given Spirit Pub Company a 20yr lease on the place. So it closed 17th June 2010, for a refirb, which will include doors added into back 'garden' space for smokers.
I guess when it re-opens most likley to be a 'John Barras' pub of Spirit's chain brands ( Chef & Brewer, Flaming Grill, Taylor Walker amongst their other 'brands').
I hope they do a good job and deliver the pub the area deserves, though remain slightly disappointed that Antic didn't take it on. Join me again in 2-6 months for a review when it re-opens.
The previous reviewer had it absolutley spot on � I can�t think of anyone less suited to running a pub than the landlord mentioned. The sad fact is that he was marginally better than the previous incumbent who couldn�t even be bothered to stock beer!
However, a few months ago said landlord was ejected and replaced by an Irish family-run set-up and it�s much the better for it. Praise the Lord they even have 2, yes 2!, real ales on tap � last time I was in it was a very nice Youngs Ordinary and the less-good Old Speckled Hen (great ads though). The service is improved out of all recognition being both friendly and prompt although there is still a tendency to frown upon people not drinking enough whilst watching the football.
I believe the pub is in a state of limbo at the moment while the new manager negotiates a full takeover but it is to be hoped that completion is sooner rather than later.
There is no food at present although late Sunday afternoon normally sees the appearance of cooked food on the bar - a very nice touch and a sign of someone making an effort..
Hopefully when things are finalised the big room at the back will be re-opened, the seating for football-watching will be better arranged and a regular menu will re-appear. Even as things stand though, it�s a vast improvement
The Station Hotel has been my local for over 10 years and I have often been tempted to abandon it for some of the reasons others have highlighted below. I have kept the faith, mainly due to lack of competition in the area, while clinging to the hope that it may one day live up to its potential. Bizzarely, my decision was made for me last week when the landlord barred me from pub! My heinous crime was to ask for half a pint! I kid you not. Having strolled down for a quiet couple of pints and to watch a game of football. With the match and my second pint almost finished, I decided to squeeze in a quick half before heading home. I was told by the landlord who was serving that they wouldn't serve halves while the football was on and that if I wanted a half I would need to pay the cost of a full pint! I was shocked by this, as I'd never heard anything like it in this or any other pub. The landlord claimed that this had been the rule since he had been there for over 2 years, but for me squeezing in a cheeky half at the end of a football match has been a regular part of my ritual (and I have watched a great many games in there over the years). When I pointed this out and chose to hang on to what little was left of my 2nd pint the manager became verbally aggressive and told me that I could finish my drink and leave! The moment my glass was empty the barman, who was keeping a close eye on me) pointed this out and asked me to leave. As a respectable, 43 year old social worker who has not been kicked out of a pub in the past 25 years this was absolutely unbelievable, particularly having seen some of the levels of yobbishness that this landlord has turned a blind eye to at times. I stood my ground and said that I had come in for a quiet drink and to watch a game of football and would not leave until the end of the match (which was in about 5 minutes time). The landlord then threatened to phone the police, which was ironic, as half of the clientele would probably have scattered if the police had turned up! As I called his bluff on this one, he gave me one last option, which was to stay to the end of the match, but then I would be barred. I pointed out that I would not want to go back to a pub which treats its customers like that, so I would gladly choose that option. At one stage during our discussions the landlord explained that he paid a lot of money to be able to show the football and that he did not want 'people like me' coming in to watch. When I asked what he meant by that, he paused for thought (?) and actually said to me 'People who can't afford to have Sky TV in your house!' You really couldn't make any of this up! I should point out that I am a clean cut, well turned out and well spoken kind of guy who had been simply standing quietly on my own watching the game and had been careful throughout this incident not to shout, swear etc (although I felt like it). I Just thought I would share that anecdote and urge you all to steer well clear of this pub. It's a real shame, as the Station has always had real potential to be something bigger and better than this and to become the focal point of this very mixed local community. While I agree that trying to go too �gentrified� or gastro would be a mistake, there is plenty of scope for going a little bit upmarket, to become the kind of place that all the locals can feel comfortable going in. Sadly this clearly won't happen while the current landlord is in place. It is some consolation to know that this is unlikely to be a very long tenure. In the meantime, if you are in the area I would recommend the Holly Tree, a friendly, welcoming little local nearby.
I'm happy to be shot down, but as an outsider it seems to me that Hither Green has aspirations above its station (no pun intended). It should be a decent area where people can afford to live, not somewhere ordinary people are priced out of the market by yuppies wanting delis and totally unnecessary shops instead of decent, down-to-earth places. That's why it would be a shame if The Station was gentrified and changed from what it currently is - a normal boozer for normal people. Sure, the ale selection may not be anything to write home about, but it has most things that you need in a pub, the food is pretty decent and reasonably priced, the staff and other drinkers seemed friendly enough when I was there, and the toilets were clean. Sadly there's not enough of these places around any more.
Other reviewers mention the "Chav" element and some of the regulars are what you'd call working class but try talking to them: they're okay.
This place has so much potential and it's beginning to realise it.
The last time we visited as a family, there seemed to be an invisible division between what could be the saloon and lounge bars respectively. The regulars were towards the front of the pub, where all of the entertainment is and the larger section was largely deserted. Get some comfy seating in there, attract some gentrified custom and we're their.
This is a nice pub overall. Not the best and it could capitalise more on its monopoly in the area but it's a good boozer. It has a pool table, football table, pinball machine, golf arcade game, Nintendo Wii, dart board and juke box. The foods pretty good (and reasonably priced) and it has a rough diamond friendly feel about it.
The locals are just that: locals. And The Station is a locals' pub. It's still a public house though and if more people got in there, it would be so much better. Maybe if they do, the management will continue to make the improvements which they've clearly started on.
For the sake of fairness, I've been told that there are several sets of pumps on the station, and that Pride was still on, so you should ignore my comments about there being no beer. Mind you, if the landlord had shown a minimal level of graciousness, I would have stayed long enough to find out.
Its hard to rate this pub properly as on my second visit I didn't actually make it as far as ordering any beer. It is interesting to note comments from others about there being no beer available when they visit. (The phrase "p1ss up in a brewery" springs to mind) as when I visited every single beer seemd to be off.
However we didnt quite get that far. I was meeting friends in the back bar and arrived on a folding bicycle. I know this probably marks me out as a weirdo, but heh, there's a recession on and he should be grateful for the custom. Anyway, I folded it up outside and carried it in, leaving it by the fire escape. I normally do this and its never been an issue ever before.
When I went to the bar to get a drink the manager asked if I could move the bike "here" - sort of pointing to the cellar entrance. I said that would be no problem, but first I'd like...."no, you have to move your bike first. That carpet cost �1,000. Those bikes, it will be covered in grease and all sorts of things".
No beer, and an abusive approach to my visit, which finished at that point. Ive given the pub 1 point for the bogs, which seemed fine, and 1 for the carpet, seeing as it cost a grand.
I would reccomend in future they spend less on carpets and more on beer.
Not all young professionals are gastronomic. If you are angry with the chavs speak to them youself, this is the problem with 'londoners' they only seem 2 b able 2 tlk in txt spk.
Pubs alright though...
Horrible. When me and the mrs first moved to the area about 10 years ago, one of the first things we did was look for a decent pub. Somewhere nice to go on an evening after work, perhaps the occasional nice lunch, a place to take friends and family when they're over. We're still looking! This place is the pits. A filthy Chav hell indeed that caters for the usual crowd of lager-driven nutters that couldn't care less. As the guy before said, go to Blackheath instead. Not one decent beer for sale and an unpleasant atmosphere to boot. I've been in here a number of times and the experience has always been the same. Awful. It never fails to amaze me that this area is full of professional people with a bit of cash to spend, yet the pubs are mostly geared up for the lowest common denominator. It's very sad to see and very blinkered thinking. Hither Green is crying out for a decent pub. However, this isn't it.
yup. agree with the last review entirely. Crap pub. Don't go. Manager s*** for bollocks. Chav central city and they KEEP RUNNING OUT OF BEER!!!
barky - 24 Jul 2009 15:36 |
i would agree with the last reviewer (and the few even before that). It's an absolute dive full of chavs. Have been in there three times, the first time there was "no wine", the second time all the beer had gone and there was only kronenberg. each time i've been in, it has been chav hell, but the last time was even worse. They've installed a new manager who is so scared of all of those chavs because they threaten to kick his backside whenever he tells them to keep it down that he cowers behind his staff. The toilets smell so badly i held my nose everytime i went in. It has such potential it is such a shame, you just need to pull up the carpet, fix the toilets, give it a lick of paint (it has lovely old fireplaces) and INSTALL A NEW MANAGER WITH BALLS! It's true that as a "professional" with money, myself and my friends inthe area all go to blackheath the railway, which is 10 mins away in a cab rather than go here. they could make a killing as there is a covenant on the land which means there is nowhere within 20 mins walk that can sell alcohol, so much so i keep thinking about approaching them myself! To the owners if you read this: PLEASE DO IT UP, KICK OUT THE TERRIFIED MANAGER, GET IN SOMEONE WHO CAN STAND UP TO THE FOOTIE CHAVS AND YOU'LL MAKE A FORTUNE!
AJG01 - 24 Jul 2009 14:32 |
This is my local - been there a few times purely because it's convenient and on our way home.
It has such potential. Unfortunately the landlord doesn't really know who his market is.
The last time I went in, they had NO ALE. At all. I asked in disbelief and was told "we don't do it any more as it wasn't selling".
What the...? It probably wasn't selling because it was badly kept and was boring stuff you can get anywhere. They have John Smiths - you may as well drink dishwater.
The rest of the drinks selection is the same generic "London Pub Lager" fare... disappointing.
Hither Green has a large number of young professionals and families and is crying out for a decent gastro pub selling a good selection of continental beer, real ale, and a decent wine selection.
It is a great building and it could do really well if someone had the guts to do it right.
As it is, we make do with Railway, Zero Degrees and the Princess of Wales in Blackheath (which aren't perfect by any means, see reviews).
Used to be a regular. Popped in recently when passing by and popped straight out again. Was going downhill when I gave it up last time and it's further down that slippery slope towards Chav hell.
Nice pub, on the up for the better. How about a comedy night to add to the music and quiz nights? I would certainly come and I am sure lots of others would do too!!!
Screens are good but on my three visits they have never had a real ale on. The pub always seems too large for the amount of people in it, and there is a small minority who bring the place down.
A pity as the choice for pubs in the area is not large
Seems to run out of beer every Sunday. Two weeks ago I went there to find they had no ale, John Smiths, Guinness, or Kronenbourg, which was the worst instance I've come across, but certainly not a one off. Most pubs I go to I'm able to choose what I want to drink. Here, it's pretty much up to them and what they actually have left. If it wasn't for the fantastic quiz, I doubt I'd return.
Pub and staff are pretty nice - pity about the chavvy clientele
Please can the landlord put the big screen back on in the main part of the pub even if for big matches only. The way it is set up now there is nowhere to sit and you can't get to the bar or toilets. These must be the nights where you make a lot of money, what's the point of half the pub being empty because there is no screen?
Yes their are grammatical and spelling errors in my last post, i did write it in a hurry! Sorry.
As the Landlord of this pub i would like to inform you of the changes since i took over in June 07. We have a large quite area at the rear that has no football or music, good food 7 days a week, great quiz on a Sunday, big football games with a jumbo screen, real ale, great wine and all the idiots are all now barred. I have done all the local residents asked for! Come and enjoy a great time with us!
Not a bad pub at all. The food was reasonably priced and served very quickly. The drinks can be a little bit expensive, but as the only pub in Hither Green it does a good job.
For a pub that doesn't need to try (it has a monopoly on Hither Green), this isn't a bad place. The Sunday pub quiz is excellent too, and is miles better than The Northbrook's or The Crown's.
Nice bar staff. Friendly atmosphere. Will definitely visit again.
I have used this pub many times in the past,Im not really a drinker so it was more for the food and the atmosphere and I found the staff quite friendly and helpfull. I assume someone recently has taken over because on my visit this bank holiday weekend I found the food awfull and the staff even more so, I received my main meal before my starter and when I explained the problem I was rudely told we are very very busy. Including my self there were two other tables with people eating, in actual fact this was the quietest I have ever seen it. Even after speking to the "manager" there was no cutomer care not even an appology and was made to feel very uncomfortable. I will not be returning.
If the football is not on it is worth a visit, Good reasonable food, ale was ok.
Football on forget it. Two massive screens in both bars
To be fair, most of my reviews can be quite harsh, but I have to say (in an Andy Gray kinda way) that the station is a pretty decent local boozer, one of those places which you see from the train and wonder what it's like. Well wonder no more. It's worth the visit
Good size, good beer and screens to watch the sport on.
anonymous - 13 Sep 2006 17:21 |
Having lived in Hither green for 18 months, I'd walked past this pub a few times and dismissed it as a rough house. I was wrong.
Yesterday (a Sunday), myself, the wife, our one-year-old son and a couple of friends visited The Station for lunch.
The first thing that struck me on entering the pub was the size: Wetherspoons would be proud. Other posters here have referred to the big screens: they are certainly big!
We arrived at about 1pm and the place was fairly quiet. We bought drinks (�7 for two pints, a Tia Maria and an orange juice), then sat in the large area where children are allowed and contemplated the menu. The food is *very* reasonably priced, as well as varied.
Two of us had a Sunday roast (one beef and one lamb from a choice of three@), one had a curry and the other had fish and chips: �23 for very generous portions. I can only comment on my roast and would say it was nice but perhaps could have done with being a bit warmer.
We then spent most of the afternoon in the pub and watched Man U v Wolves. What I assume to be the "football crowd" mentioned in other posts were in and weren't intimidating at all. In fact, without exception, every fellow patron I happened upon was friendly.
If we'd not wanted to watch the football, there really isn't anywhere to retire away, such is the size of the screens and the volume of the crowd. It was a pleasant enough day though and I'm sure the pub would provide a nice quiet hide-away on non match days. The match kicked off at 4pm so we were able to enjoy lunch in relative peace.
The bar staff were humorous and friendly and this is a pub with just about every facility you could hope for: a pool table in its own room, dart board, juke box, fruit and quiz machines and so on. Reasonably priced food and drinks and a non-threatening atmosphere make this a proper "boozer" in my opinion.
I may have only visited once but I will certainly do so again and would recommend The Station to anyone who just wants to go to the pub.
The governor, Gary, has lost the plot, but I gather he'll be leaving soon, possibly not under his own steam. I'm one of the football crowd mentioned, and I think his 12ft square screen is complete pants. This is the only pub in a large residential area, and all the families that used to use one end of the pub have been driven out by the attempt to turn it into a sports bar. Still, what can I say, I continue to use it in the hope that the Spirit Group will appoint someone who will bar the persistent violent offenders as well as the one poor bloke who is barred for swearing. And after all that, it's still worth popping in because there is still a big bunch of friendly regulars.
Always something going on here if there not showing some sport (Boxing, Rubgy, Football), its quiz night or a pool night. Good food & cheap beer what else do you want. Always a big crowd for the england games. They also have the massive new screen. GET IN.
Jamoo - 23 Nov 2005 15:27 |
This is a great friendly local. You get all sorts in here from the football crowd(always friendly) to students and old locals. Good atmosphere and the occaisonal lively night. Great for new year too.
This was a 9.5/10 pub when I first used it 13 years ago, under the management of Ciaran, a big, strong, friendly Irishman. Sadly, in the last year under the current management the pub has slipped rapidly down the tubes.
This used to be a great place to watch the footie, with lots of friendly banter between a great mix of folks. That's all changed and the footie bunch can easily intimidate strangers and locals alike. Perhaps a new guvnor could turn things around and get the crowds back in.
My weak excuse for using the place is that it's the only pub in the immediate area and there are still a bunch of people clinging on in the forlorn hope of a turnaround.
I love this pub, don't be put off by the local footie fans, they're all very friendly! This is the type of pub you can roll up to any time and always get a nice welcome!
Middsie - 31 Oct 2004 14:38 |
Nice affordable good old british pub. Will serve mushy peas with any dish. Legend
Bob Barrow - 21 Oct 2004 17:50 |
Once again, i am always put off by the "locals" crowd that tend to gather around the front bar and are usually there for the football.
This looks a nice pub from the outside, but doesn't look much better than any old Yates'.
Tell i wrong about this place? should i give it another chance?
Pip - 26 May 2004 17:36 |
The best pub in Hither Green, as it is the only one! Joking aside, ok beer, straightish pool table and reasonably friendly.
adamafurness - 13 Mar 2004 16:13 |
It,s Great, good food and drink, fab and friendy staff offer remarkable service. What more could you ask for?
anonymous - 28 Jul 2003 02:52 |
Great quiz on a Sunday about 8pm
Kim - 16 Jul 2003 19:25 |
Have live entertainment most Saturdays. Food is great with some tradional pub food on the menu. Staff are friendly. What else can I say? Will definitely go back again.
Niki - 27 Feb 2003 11:15 |
Great pub with extremely efficient and friendly staff
Sarah - 8 Jan 2003 16:51 |
Large friendly pub, beers are a bit basic but if you live in the area its a very good relaxing drinking hole.
Nick - 8 Nov 2002 20:47 |
Nice local. Mostly friendly staff. Good value for money. Nice food. Frequently show football matches on the big screens. Otherwise a bit basic.
Andrew Milton - 8 Nov 2002 15:34 |
Quite nice local
Clare - 7 Apr 2002 19:34 |