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BITE user profile - pissaboutcharlie

Profile information

Username: pissaboutcharlie

Age: 40

Sex: ?

Latest comments by pissaboutcharlie

The Frog and Frigate, Southampton

Great, great pub. A good Friday night out here is full of cheer, beer and no fear. Sing along to the classics strummed by the dude playing his guitar on the 'stage' under the stairs. Stand on the tables and dance the night away.

For anyone living north of the town centre in Southampton, it's a bit of a mission to get here as it is in Ocean Village (not far from S'ton Institute's Lucia Foster Halls). I live in Portswood, so it's about 45 mins - 1 hour walk away. It is worth it occasionally, though. You can always get a taxi if you're that lazy.

28 Aug 2005 12:47

The Fountain, Chichester

Lovely pub. Warm atmosphere, good ales, outside bit to sit in summer, genuine character. And great jazz/funk nights. Pub quiz on a Sunday is good, too.

28 Aug 2005 12:38

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pissaboutcharlie has been registered on this site since 28th August 2005