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Latest comments by dead_celeb

The Worlds End, Camden

The size of this place runs in its favour- particularly if there is a big group of you, there is usually somewhere to sit or at least stand and drunkenly swing your arms around or whatever.
It's probably not going to change your life, the selection of beer is average, but fun times can be had here.

10 Jul 2012 12:12

Quinn's, Camden

I don't mind a characterful dive bar, and Quinns certainly has that feel to it, but when it charges wine bar prices? No thanks.

Christ, if the best thing people can say about a pub is 'the bottled beer is ok', why not just stay at home and pay 3 times less for your drink? And hopefully, your house doesn't stink of piss.

10 Jul 2012 12:07

The Old Eagle, Camden

Decent place. I've never really settled on a pub I like in Camden, but this place comes closest. Good mix of people, and the old boys at the bar haven't been totally airbrushed out of the picture by the monied media drones that largely populate Camden these days.
Beer's not that great (Speckled Hen, and they just don't seem to keep it that well) but the character kind of makes up for that. Thai food is pretty good, too.

10 Jul 2012 12:01

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dead_celeb has been registered on this site since 7th November 2010