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BITE user profile - bradw

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Username: bradw

Age: 72

Sex: ?

Latest comments by bradw

The Stanhope Arms, Kensington

Found the Stanhope in Sept 73, as an American abroad for a year, living between Earls Court and Glouchester Rd tube stops, so I'm hardly a current reviewer. More interested in seeing what happened upstairs. Late in 1972, the changed over from the Mississippi Room, a real cool, beat up and down joint which played Dixieland Jazz, to the Basin Street Bar. I played the trumpet in the Mississippi room for beer, 40p a pint, but when they cleaned up the act and brought the union in early 1973, I stopped. The Brits really loved any American jazz, hope something is still there!

18 Jan 2008 02:12

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bradw has been registered on this site since 18th January 2008