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BITE user profile - beth01

Profile information

Username: beth01

Age: 72

Sex: ?

Latest comments by beth01

Five Bells Inn, Bridgend

Lovely pub, homely atmosphere - no hesitation about going there again.

17 Nov 2006 02:16

Ye Olde Swan Inn, Thames Ditton

I really like going to the Swan, really good meals there for �5 at lunctime = very much enjoyed it last week - staff really pleasant - lovely in the summer to see people trying to tie their boats up - and even more funny to watch people in their 4 x 4's trying to reverse out of car park! A great pub for eating and drinking and it beats the Fox on the River, as that is so expensive for an ordinary lunchtime meal.

17 Nov 2006 02:10

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beth01 has been registered on this site since 29th October 2006