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BITE user profile - The_Pub_Inspector

Profile information

In the trade and a visitor to many other pubs, slowly ticking them off the list as i visit them

Username: The_Pub_Inspector

Age: 58

Sex: male

Latest comments by The_Pub_Inspector

The Crown, Borough

I think the previous poster must be a bit mixed up, the crown is definatly not they have described.
it doesnt open on weekends
it doesnt normally have loud music ( sometime no music)
most customers are very nice and come from the local workers of the area.
it has a sign saying no workboots, football tops or tracksuits.

I wouls say that the crown sometimes is more of a restaurant than a pub .

maybe southwarker is trying to mislead people or has simply got the wrong pub.
Also the mentioned "rose and crown" around the corner is in fact a good 10 min walk closer to the henry or the albert, both of which are at the top end of blackfriars rd.

I like the crown, its clean and well kept, it does 3 good ales and keeps the guiness ( my tipple) in tiptop condition.

25 Nov 2010 10:23

The Ring, Southwark

location is everything, if this place was away from the station, it would be dead.
we had the worst ever sunday lunch in here , last weekend. staff were fine , meal was microwaved mush, dryed out roast spuds and 3 pieces of leather that was supposed to be beef.

not impressed at all.

also the blackboard outside says �6.95, the menu inside says �8.95

inretrospect , i suppose we got what we paid for as most other places charge over �10 for roast around here

24 Aug 2010 15:58

The Green Man, Soho

was in on saturday, waited for ages to be served 4 pints and 4 burgers, pints all needed top-ups, burgers all needed re-naming as they def were not burger as we know it.

Hopefully this place is one of the M&B pubs sold to stonegate, maybe they will do something with it. This place make weatherspoons look posh!

24 Aug 2010 15:52

See all comments by The_Pub_Inspector

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The_Pub_Inspector has been registered on this site since 7th November 2008