BITE user profile - Spiderman
Profile information
Username: Spiderman
Age: 59
Sex: ?
Latest comments by Spiderman
The comments 'Well done to Joe he has taken command of this pub and made it his own' he nearly ruined this pub with who he let in and the crap entertainment he booked, thankfully he has moved on to pastures new but there is still a lot of work to be done to remove his legacy.
Thankfully the core of the punters stuck through and they are the life and soul of this pub and do make everyone feel welcome.
This pub is not what it used to be but it is still probably one of the, if not the best in the area.
11 May 2010 13:47
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Spiderman has been registered on this site since 15th September 2005
The Red Lion, Enfield
toilets full of coke heads
28 Jun 2010 15:46