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BITE user profile - SpecialBrew

Profile information

Username: SpecialBrew

Age: 52

Sex: ?

Latest comments by SpecialBrew

The Rose Bowl, Aberdeen

Now called The Thistle, same old tip though.

12 May 2006 15:46

The Illicit Still, Aberdeen

Very cosy pub, expensive, but sometimes it's worth paying that little bit more.

12 May 2006 15:44

Kings Bar, Aberdeen

Fights every weekend, so if that's your thing, this is the place to be.

Used to be a great wee pub, lets hope they can get rid of the dodgers and get it back how it used to be.

12 May 2006 15:42

See all comments by SpecialBrew

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SpecialBrew has been registered on this site since 12th May 2006