BITE user profile - Muse4Life
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Username: Muse4Life
Age: 67
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Muse4Life has been registered on this site since 23rd September 2006
Napoleon Inn, Boscastle
This is one of those pubs you find quite by chance and know instantly that you will be back. Again and again. And six years on from that initial oh, so brief, encounter, I'm still utterly in love with the Napoleon. Even with the { should I put this...?} challenging behaviour of the credit card machine and the occasional seating slip up every visit to this haven for the weary and jaded pub-goer provides further proof that England still provides pubs of truly magnificent character. The staff are in every way the loveliest set of people you could ever wish to meet, the fare from the kitchen is of a quality which quite belies the price and gives a very welcome relief from the usual "steak-and-ale-pie" output one finds all too often around Cornwall's rugged coastline. Will we be back? You bet your arse.
23 Sep 2006 23:44