BITE user profile - CJG
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Username: CJG
Age: 47
Sex: male
Latest comments by CJG
The following is a copy of a letter published in Pints West, Spring 2001, that helps explain the 'swamp' thing rather better:
The only swamp to be in!
My intake of alcohol back on New Year�s eve began at about 6 o�clock when I started drinking a 3-litre bottle of Thatchers Millfield bought at my local off- licence, Humpers on Soundwell Road. (I had to give her a mention as she told me off for not doing so last time you pub- lished a letter of mine.)
At about 8:15 after drinking about half of my bottle, it wasn�t hard for me to decide that I would start as I meant to go on. I braved the rather severe elements and walked from my house near Humpers in to Kingswood and, as I had on so many previous occasions, I took the plunge and went into the �Swamp� (the Kings Head cider house).
Now I know people for different reasons have praised it up before and I will again as quite simply I feel more credit is required where it is due.
After drinking the bottled variety for a fair portion of my evening it was refresh- ing to have what is always a limitless supply of the draught variety. Amusingly sometimes referred to as �pondwater� I assume because there is so much of it in the �Swamp�, I can assure the people at Thatchers that Sarah at the Kings Head does you proud. The taste and tempera- ture of your cider is constant. The array of comical characters that regularly drink there amuse me and I�ve become familiar with many of them in the few years I�ve used it.
My opinion of course may be biased somewhat as I am a self-confessed cider monster. Good old Sarah had an extension till 2 a.m. but I had had my fill by 1 a.m.
If you�ve already tried the draught Thatchers at the �Swamp� then I�m sure the chances are you still drink it. Needless to say, I had a great night on New Year�s eve. If you haven�t tried the �pondwater� yet, go on, take the plunge! You won�t regret it!
(Dedicated and in remembrance of our friend Tyke, a Thatchers connoisseur who�s sadly missed.)
Craig Weaden, Staple Hill.
7 Jun 2012 12:45
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CJG has been registered on this site since 4th October 2006
The Highbury Vaults, Bristol
MWarner - would it have been too much for your friends to have asked before they engorged?I hesitate to say it, but I think they were somewhat previous in their actions.
6 Feb 2013 13:23