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The Dukes Head, Croydon - pub details

Previously called: Fiddler and Firkin

Dukes Head

Address: 14 South End, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 1DL [map] [gmap]

Tel: 0871 951 1000 (ref 3406) - calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras

Nearest train stations South Croydon (0.4 miles), East Croydon (0.6 miles), Waddon (0.7 miles)

Chain: Mr Q's

Pub facilities/features:

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> Current user rating: 2.5/10 (rated by 24 users)
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other pubs nearby:

Edge, Croydon (0.0 miles), Half and Half, Croydon (0.1 miles), Star, Croydon (0.1 miles), Skylark, Croydon (0.1 miles), Treehouse, Croydon (0.1 miles) - see more nearby pubs

user reviews of the Dukes Head, Croydon

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

5 most recent reviews of 22 shown - see all reviews

Looks like "Cactus Jack" was shortlived. It's now the Apatura restaurant.
lonegroover - 22 Nov 2010 09:43
Just about to reopen as a Cactus Jack, a southern red neck stle "dukes of hazzard" rubbish reportedly with women dancing on the bar! Not very hygenic for ale methinks! My interest is very limited but I did notice a brand new pump with a London Pride clip, more Pride in Croydon - two cheers! I will not be found any nearer than the Half'n Half ( 1 minute north).
slerpy - 20 Feb 2010 12:08
This pub is now open ! Revamped as a Tapas bar, it seems to have Adnams on. It has a preposterous name in spanish. I really cannot be bothered to go in as when I am here I am going to the Skylark for a perfect pint.Unrated.
slerpy - 1 Aug 2008 13:27
This Pub Is Now CLOSED DOWN.
anonymous - 25 Aug 2007 08:52
Complete and utter sh1tehole..AVOID like a dose as it seems to be run by a local mob of druggie troublemakers instead of the landlady who never bars the lowlifes and even if she does they are back in a few days later. have decided I will never go back here again.
anonymous - 30 Jul 2007 20:30

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