The Tivoli Tavern, Grimsby - pub details
Address: 14 Old Market Place, Grimsby, Lincolnshire, DN31 1DT [map] [gmap]
Tel: 0871 951 1000 (ref 2698) - calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras
Grimsby Town (0.1 miles), Grimsby Docks (0.9 miles), New Clee (1.3 miles)
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> Current user rating: 5.2/10 (rated by 5 users)
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user reviews of the Tivoli Tavern, Grimsby
please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.
Not bad as local pubs go. Had a pint of M & B mild. Too cold but ok. Very much an old style pub. My partners grandparents used to frequent here. Quite atmospheric. doncaosdelanada - 26 Dec 2008 15:00 |
Bit of a dive and expensive. Tykemal - 18 Sep 2008 20:03 |
Very old Pub nice Town Pub Good Beers Ted - 18 May 2003 21:08 |