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- Prince Arthur, Old Street - pub details
- ...Moorgate Tube station, underground station...
- Bacchus Pub and Kitchen, Old Street - pub details
- ...Moorgate Tube station, underground station...
- St John, Farringdon - pub details
- ...Moorgate Tube station, underground station...
- Katzenjammers Bierkeller and Restaurant, Southwark - pub details
- ...Moorgate Tube station, underground station...
- Fine Line, Bow - pub details
- ...Moorgate Tube station, underground station...
- The Pipeline Bar, Aldgate - pub details
- ...Moorgate Tube station, underground station...
- The Bull's Head, Clerkenwell - pub details
- ...Moorgate Tube station, underground station...
- Edgware Ex-Services Club, Edgware - pub details
- ...Moorgate train station...
- East Barnet Valley United Services Club, Barnet - pub details
- ...Moorgate train station...
- The Fence, Smithfields - pub details
- ...Moorgate Tube station, underground station...
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