why has this place not been removed from database was empty for a while before becoming yet another curry house if anymore are needed
CLOSED - now a curry house. Yeah, twickenham needs another one of them - perhaps they could be a coffee shop for yummy mummies during the daytime.
A shit-hole
This bar recently closed. I am pretty sure its closure was not cried over!
What a chav palace. If you're into gold hoops and pitbulls you'll love it.
This place scares me! total gansters pardise. A seedy dingey dump - If your thinking about going in make sure youve got your stab proof vest on!
I agree with the previous comment, this place is a total nightmare. If there is trouble in Twickenham, rest assured the perpetrators will have been in here, the William Web Ellis or The George. I will never visit this place again and Twickenham would be a lot nicer without it.
anonymous - 4 Sep 2007 14:50 |
please close this hell hole down, full of chavs, all ways kicks off on friday / sat night....at least they are not in my pub!
anonymous - 18 Jul 2007 20:23 |
Sorry to burst your bubble on this but the last time most of the people visited this wine bar/pub must of been last century. This place is under new ownership for the last four years no gangster pics on the wall no bad smells only from the locals that don't wash. If you want a cheap drink fun atmosphere then this is your place bar staff friendly owner friendly so come on down and see for yourself I've had many a good night
anonymous - 25 Jun 2007 23:59 |
Totally agree with bestbarmaid! I walk past Cristalz every evening and the stench always makes me want to retch. If the boss really is concerned about his bar's prospects, he'd be wise to invest in some air freshener!
How hard is it to demolish the reputation of Union Jacques. VERY. I had a chat with the boss the other night and it seems to me that he's genuinly concerned about his boozers reputation, however saying this, there were loadsa hot girls in here, not exactly what i would call chavs, wearing tiny little school outfits. I was with my women so i had to behave myself....a bit. great for a late night drink, and what an original idea to have a sheesha lounge, nice to sit on a low sofa watching the people walk past. Bar staff are pretty and attentive and drinks are modestly priced, didnt see a dirty ash tray for miles, which is more i can say for most twickenham boozers, so that gets a 7/10 already. Would be nice to see this place with a refurb. OH YEEEAH, the boxing was on t.v and i was sooo happy
Lock stock and 2 for 1
When a pub called Reunion Jaques re-brands it's self and the best the owners can come up with is Crystalz you know they're wanna be 60's pimps.
If you're looking for leopard patterned velour clad middle aged women or short baldng men in white suits, cream slip-ons and medallions this is the place. Otherwise, best keep away!
I walk past regularly and this place smells like a toilet from the outside so I wouldn't even dare venture inside.
This place is infested with chav's! Its tiny inside no were to sit down, The staff are friendly but the bouncers are a bit roudy looking. Drinks are cheap but atmosphere is crap!
I made one visit and wont be making another.
ever wondered where all the older looking shirt-clad trouble makers are walking when you see them on the high street beating up a student? Problem solved, its like a little bit of Ilford in TW1. Drinking here is like being stuck on level 1 of 'Moonwalker' on the Megadrive.
anonymous - 28 Mar 2006 17:52 |
dreadful people descend upon this place. people who look 40 but act half that age. a useless way to spend an evening.
I used to go in here when it was R.J.'s at the beginning of the decade. Was very pleasant - but very pricey.
Is nice for a quick drink if I'm ever passing through Twickenham - but it's just too small for the huge crowd who pack in there at weekends.
I think this is quite a nice little bar really. Staff are really friendly but it's a bit of a squeeze at the weekends.
Ive spend my time around twickenham and happened to stumble in here one afternoon before it was busy. the bar staff are great. if your polite and just chat you get to know them pretty quick. Guiness in cheap which suits me perfectly. The problem is it got busy which i dont mind until you look at the people it seems to attract. huge numbers of Chavs, Rude boys and their bimbo tarts. Sorry girls its true. But the bars not to bad same selection as every were else but staff are better than most.
When the pub is not full of plastic gangsters, its full of ,how should I put I put it? older and less fussy women- not to mention the vicky pollard girls with thier hair pulled back into a feltham facelift hanging around with their 'men',who in turn can hardly lift their drinks due to the excessive sovereign rings on each finger.I on the other hand used it for a late drink as it was round the corner from my flat..thoroughly recommend it..what a laugh
anonymous - 6 Feb 2006 18:26 |
'Mr Benn took a sip of his Smirnoff Ice, glanced at the pictures of criminals on the wall, and as if by magic, he found himself in Southend'!
This place is great, a little piece off Essex right here in Twick. People saying things like 'Yes well of course I knew The Bruvvas well, meself' and talking about how you could leave your doors open in the East End (ie just near Richmonmd Bridge)and no-one except the Krays or the Richardsons would burgle you or shoot you or cut your fingers off. And they loved their mothers.
This place is some kind of bizzare crime-led theme park. Rough? Even the arms on the chairs have got tattoos. If you've got all your teeth you're a poof. People who happened to beat someone to a pulp, or worse, 40 years ago are somehow regarded as saints and heroes. And it's next door to the police station. Brilliant irony.
Once again, though, it means that the sheep-like numbskulls that come here at weekends have somewhere to try out their mockney accents together - hooray! And their girlfriends can try out their new 'Funny Prostitute' outfits too. Great stuff.
Return Of The Mac
anonymous - 20 Sep 2005 03:47 |
Well the new owner has made some dramatic changes.Happy hour is good value aimimng at the more mature clientelle.Staff helpfull and friendly. After viewing some of the previous comments I thought I was in the wrong location.
Bling - 12 Jul 2005 11:44 |
We visited Cristalz Wine Bar on Friday after hearing an advert.on a local radio station.We were plesantly surprised at the great atmosphere of the venue.The new owner has spent some time and money creating a cosmopolitan feel to the place.The picture you see on this site is different to the venue we went to.I highly recommend this place to take a partner where we were ushered to a small but cosy VIP area. Avoid on Rugby days.
anonymous - 14 Mar 2005 19:15 |
Now renamed as "Crystalz" Wine bar. Still the same old sad bar though..
TheGP - 31 Aug 2004 10:20 |
If you interested in pulling a desperate 40plus woman, who has delusions that she still "has it" then this is your ideal venue.
Otherwise forget it - I actually thought all places like this ceased to exist at the end of the 80's.
good laugh if your in a big group. everyone knocks it cos its trying to be a gangsters paradise but the atmosphere is ok and the music is usually good. ideal place to finish off a heavy night.
sally - 14 Jun 2004 16:01 |
This place is hilariously naff! Started off with presumptions to being some sort of oyster and champagne bar, that didn't work. Then added a disco ball & big screen & ditched the dress code. Now seems to survive off the fact that it has a late license and buses people off to the seedy club down the road. To be avoided unless you fancy a laugh at how incongruous it all is!
a tiny bar/pub on the corner, run by a guy who was good mates with the Krays. Also owned Zen lounge a strip bar down the road. Charges an extortionate amount to get in after a certain time and is quite pokey
Alex - 24 Feb 2004 16:11 |