NOT CLOSED, SIMPLY RENAMED the william webb ellis. like a wide selection of real ales at good prices, then visit. wines on choice are also improving.
Well, it's a Spoons and an average one at that. Go there with appropriate expectations and you won't be too disappointed. The usual diverse range of ales, but all too warm and a bit tired. Having said, it's not the worst place in Twickenham to go to. Tempted.... no, neither am I.
This pub is not closed as shown on the hedder to this page.
Not overly-inspiring Wetherspoons (Lloyds No1). Lots of red in evidence. Usual real ale suspects, with a Twickenham on as guest.
Better now open till 1.30 at weekends. people don't feel the need to get pissed cheaply by 11. Dance floor and dj has given it more atmosphere. will be great once the promised refurb happens.
Sorry but surely the whole point of this website is to post comments regarding pubs good or bad. If you don't like a pub because its full of chavs there fair enough. This pub is full of chavs, and probably some really nice people too, but its not a very good pub. It attracts people with cheap food & cheap drinks. All LLyods Bars have cheap decor, altough I hear its being refurbished. Surely people wouldn't still go here if the price weren't so cheap!
anonymous - 4 Aug 2006 02:19 |
As for my comments on the bar, got a bit waylaid, I have enjoyed some good nights in here. I've been in better pubs and bars, but I've never seen any trouble in here, and I certainly have in VIP areas of expensie london clubs - it swings in roundabouts! The selection of food is good, the drinks are reasonably priced and the bar staff smile alot more than other local bars I've entered.
Comments like 'brain dead chavs' really says alot more about your IQ than it does peopls who have made comments saying they like the Sorting Room .If you don't like it, you do not need to insult people who do - just don't drink there. If you feel obliged to insult things you don't like the only solution is to stay away. I also really disagree with the staff posting comments; the Sorting Room has hundreds upon hundreds of customers every week so there's plenty enough to like it. I'm sure bar staff don't get paid very much and have really no incentive to stick up for a pub they earn pocket money in on an anoymous website. It's not logical.
It's a bit pointless bar staff defending their pub on here because a) It's obvious and b) it won't make any difference anyway
Most discerning drinkers would avoid this Chav-Hole and go to one of the many nice pubs in Twickenham. I have no problem with the Sorting Room, it keeps the brain dead chavs out of the other pubs I like going in. Long may it continue!
morrissey - you may not always be right.
I have never pulled a pint in my life nor to I intend to. I have enjoyed all the times I've spent in this pub and have not seen a fight or any abuse, the bouncers are hot with ID (I'm a 22yr old female who looks older, and I even get asked).
We're entitiled to our opinion just as you are.
I'm afraid to say your conspiracy theories are wrong and just plain odd.
anonymous - 3 Aug 2006 12:09 |
I said I personally have never seen a ounce of trouble in there. I normally visit on the weekends mainly a friday night or saturday night even at chucking out time ive never seen a fight or anything.
There could be fights there but ive never witness any trouble whatsoever.
It's a Lloyds No.1 pub.
You get exactly what you expect.
You have to laugh at this place, even its BITE entry has a member of staff working here, vetting the comments.
look at all the reviews! As soon as a negative one appears, the Maoist staff 'Sort' things right out: they log on posing as drinkers and batter out bland management-speak rebuttals all 'clumsy thumbs'. The criticisms of this pub are totally valid, it is not a nice place to be in at the weekend. It is full of limited men, who like their ancestors: eat meat, groom themselves, hit girls on the head with clubs and fight.
GOOD BITS? O.K the place itself isn't terrible, alright decor and it has a lot of seating. There is a good selection of drink and the bar staff are friendly. But how can you respect a place that so evidently runs on a mission statement of making lots of money as quickly as possible, or:
Employ cheap staff to sell cheap drinks to cheap people.
I mean, look at Jen21's comment, more like BilltheBouncer21. And as for Shoobz, never seen trouble here Shoobz? When do you go drinking there? 11:00-11:30 a.m on a Monday morning?
Whatsmore, if it is the staff or friends of staff defending this place - why would they bother? I can understand a nurse defending th NHS, a teacher backing the NUT or a firefighter sticking up for the FBU but a barman defend the Sorting Rooms? Thats like a 12 year old Indonesian sweatshop worker defending Nike.
Watch the 'impartial' response to this one above ^^^^, its going to be limited.
I really do like this bar. Drinks are cheap, nice atmosphere, friendly staff, never seen a ounce of trouble in this place me and my mate normally go for a few drinks and bite to eat during the week the food is nice in here.
This place is great for cheap drinks and meeting up before moving on. The music is loud enough to hear but quiet enough for you to have a conversation. They have a good list of cocktails and have always got various offers on drinks. The bar staff are friendly and most are usually happy to chat, especially if you become a familiar face. Same goes for the bouncers who are quick to stop any trouble in a variety of ways - not just kickin every 1 out. A great place to meet up!
Jen21 - 27 Jun 2006 08:34 |
I would imagine that the comments below are by different people, however, if you have a problem with it beerintheevening do have a contact section.
People get served before you that came to the bar after you, it is a pub, it happens, yet moaning at the staff is not going to help your drunken cause is it. I think if I worked in a bar I wouldn't of served you either. An attitude is enough of a problem without it being fuelled by alchol, good on the staff for this.
anonymous - 31 May 2006 23:02 |
Wetherspoons should be disgusted with this pub, I was in there last night and was ignored by the bar staff who chose to serve their mates, when I pointed out that I had been ignored 4 times the rude little git behind the bar told me if I was going to cause an arguement he wouldnt serve me! I will never ever spend any money in here again and I think any one considering paying a visit to this pub shoulnt bother, its absolutley crap.
after all that ranting i didn't say what i thought of the place! it's nothing special but good enough for a quick drink before moving on. last time i was there they wouldn't accept a scottish �20!... their loss! got more for my money across the road anyway!
"I'd be ashamed to be you"?
you DO realise Rich66 wasn't actually being serious about being a chav?
while it's not justified that Rich66 label anonymous comments as shite, he has a point in that there isn't any way of knowing which anonymous person is which! for all anyone else knows it could be the one person with MPD!
also, if there are anonymous reviews giving either high praise or damning put downs, it's hard not to think that the person leaving the comment has some sort of affiliation to either the subject pub or a rival establishment!
Rich66 - RULE ONE of Life - Everyone deserves respect.
Whether you agree with them. Whether you do not agree with them.
You are entitled to an opinion. Just as every other user on this site is entitiled to theirs.
anonymous - 18 May 2006 17:57 |
The choice of user name is irrelevant. Comments by "Bigbum69" can be distinguished from everyone else's, comment's posted anonymously cannot. How many different people have posted anonymous comments on this pub alone? One? Two? Five? Anyone incapable of comprehending that must be a bit thick. I've got plenty respect for people who deserve it.
so posting without leaving a user name like 'bigbum69' or 'ilikecats' makes comments 'shite'.
Looks like the two chavs with the caps have no manners as well as respect.
I'd be ashamed to be you.
anonymous - 9 May 2006 11:24 |
Gordon Bennett! I wish I'd never mentioned my "chav" mate and his cap! It wasn't an issue, we didn't notice any signs to this effect before the doorman spoke to us, we just found it funny that's all. We only went in here because the Fox had run out of ales and the beer range in the Eel Pie isn't to our taste and this place was on the way back to the station. Having recently started watching Harlequins at the Stoop it was just part of the process of checking out the local pub options. It was nothing horrendous and the beer was in good nick at a reasonable price, but just not really our type of pub.
And why do so many of the people below have to post anonymously? If you've got anything worthwhile to say why not say who you are? Otherwise your comments are indistinguishable from all the other "anonymouses" who talk shite.
thanks for that impartial daylight Mr. Not-The-Manager. I'll make sure I go there and let your staff 'trick' me into drinking more alcohol than is responsible.
anonymous - 18 Apr 2006 21:42 |
Bouncers don't just go around 'picking fights'. I suggest if you have had hassle from the doormen you were probably too drunk to remember your name let alone work out that they were most likly trying to get you to move and leave everyone else in peace.
Nice relaxed pub, the bar staff always seem to do tricks to make your purchase more enjoyable. Nice touch.
anonymous - 17 Apr 2006 01:43 |
Look at the heated disagreement between reviewers here, an e-metaphor for the sorting rooms, unfriendly doormen and staff picking arguing with placid and reasonable members of the public. I do sympathise with these doormen who probably endure an endless struggle preventing twickenham's most violent and socially challenged from drinking here. If you are a 16-year old Dave who has never been here then you may be impressed by its size and low lighting, plenty of places to hide from the doorman who attempt to kick you out.
Does boost your sense of self-importance as you find that the large number of fellow drinkers are all considerably more stupid and common than you are.
OK, I was just trying to be diplomatic with my 15th March comment but since people just don't seem to get it I'll stop and be honest. I_Love_Rugby (me too, BTW) is right. It's shit. In a word.
It's a Lloyd's Bar. It's exactly what you expect. White trash people, listening too RnB, drinking naff drinks and trying to pull/look cool. Avoid like the plague.
At 56 I would have thought you may have actually seen the point that this type of establishment can't operate on a 'one rule for them and another for everyone else' policy, precisely for the reasons outlined below. Clearly not!
At 56, I don't think I'm in a position to cause mayhem. A little common sense goes a long way, you know ! As for my tattoo's, how awful of me.
anonymous - 15 Mar 2006 13:05 |
I think what you actually mean is 90% of bars like the Sorting Room have dress codes, not general pubs. Few pubs in the Twickenham area would request removal of a cap or for tattoos to be covered. Trainers are not an issue either. About the only dress code in a proper pub is that men have to wear shirts in summer ie. not go in naked from the waist up. Which is only fair on the rest of the public (most of the time :) However, if a venue does have a dress code, everyone wishing to visit it should respect that, no matter how old they are.
The issue here is that the Sorting Room attracts the type of (young) clientele that often wear baseball caps and trainers which are, like it or not, synonymous with fighting and general aggressiveness after a night of irresponsible drinking. Not allowing them to wear such items will never stop those intent on picking a fight from doing so but the dress code is no doubt there to detract from the aggressive look that this attire has become symbolic with. And I am by no means suggesting that all young people are aggressive or go out for a fight so please do not misinterpret what I am trying to say.
The Sorting Room is a sports bar aimed at the younger generation. There are plenty of more traditional alternatives in the local area with good beer and great food that would let you wear your cap, show your tattoes and stand there in your trainers. If you are going to visit the Sorting Room, respect their policies like you would anywhere else.
common sense? relating to a venues dress code? what planet are you on.
If you don't agree with certain dress codes, don't drink in there.
You'll find 90% of bars have a dress code.
But oh yeah, cos your 56 you don't have to obey it. As if.
You wear shoes not trainers. You remove you cap. You cover visible tattoos. Get used to it.
anonymous - 14 Mar 2006 23:21 |
Why shouldn't he remove his cap? Common sense, that's why !!!
anonymous - 14 Mar 2006 13:30 |
Why shouldn't he remove his cap? If a venue has a No-Hats rule, you should take it off. Regardless of age - what has that got to do with it??
Everyone are equals and to go around stating that because someone is 56 they shouldn't have to obey the rules is absurd.
Good on the bouncers for inforcing it.
anonymous - 14 Mar 2006 12:54 |
A cavernous place aimed at the younger generation. One of my friends was mistaken for a chav and ordered to remove his (tweed) cap by the doorman. He's 56!
Not really my cup of tea but it's convenient for the station and their ales were in good condition. As is usual for Lloyds the beers were the Wetherspoon's range without the guests.
Staff here are really nice in my opinion. Used to go here for lunch occasionally when I worked in Twickenham and found it fairly pleasant. Have been once or twice in the evening and it's not my cup of tea but not that bad. A bit too dark though?!
Plastic Pub for the kids
The staff were entertaining-especially whilst pouring my "bargain of the century"pint of Carling for �2.05. Not a great atmosphere,but surely it must be the only pub in London which has what appears to be a section of seating made out of a bouncy castle!...
my advice is sort the attitude out ...a member of staff was extremely rude when asked a question and in my opinion he needs taking down a peg or two!!
anonymous - 22 Aug 2005 09:22 |
I love the sorting room, its a great meeting place for a few drinks before a night out, it's lively, full of people my age (including lots of fit blokes)and the drinks are cheap- whats not to like? The only complaint i have is that your not allowed to dance!!
got to say it could be better, its not as good as some people make it out to be
Cheers GP, none taken! Sorting Room's still pants tho...
Has about as much charatcer as a multiplex cinema and a perfect example of the disappointing road Twickenhams pubs seem to be heading down. Truly vile, it almost makes me yearn for a time when you couldn't move for Rugby fans. The funny thing is there's an old style Weatherspoons across the road which I actually find a preferable option. Good for: People who can't be bothered with the journey to Kingston
Sorry bout that Cleversaz, I see from your profile that you are indeed a lady, no offence meant!!
nice... good atmosphere, cheap drinks & friendly staff.
Should sort out that sticky floor though.....
Cleversaz likes the Hob Goblin so he might be telling the truth about his age. The Sorting room is not a bad pub of it's type, in that as it is fairly new it is not as tatty as most Wetherspoons and the Moon over the road seems to attract all the alkies.
Therefore, as a meeting place, or a stop off, seems perfectly reasonable to me..
TheGP - 14 Feb 2005 13:29 |
Great, another Weatherspoons serving watered down beer and no atmosphere. Twickenham has rapidly become the no go area of south west london.
Eurgh. Awful. I'd even have hated it when I was twelve, which is the average age of the punters in this place. Food's OK if you fancy a quick, cheap meal but better off going to the Clubhouse/anywhere else and paying a bit more. Avoid dangerous trips to toilets up scary stairs.
If you not 20-25 you won't like this place and you'll moan about the flat screens.
get over it...your old...go home and let us enjoy the relaxed atmosphere.
Always easy to get to the bar, friendly staff whenever I've been in there.
The only downfall...the stairs to the toilets!
Horrific pub - lacking atmosphere and has a large array of flat screen TVs psychedelically advertising their cheap drink offers. Full of kids boozed up on the alcopops. Best left alone.
i love this place, its so disgusting you have to get quite drunk to enjoy it, but with the drinks being such good value doing so really isnt that hard! when ordering food speak slowly coz the staff are a bit dim.
Couldn't agree more. Trashy McPub making a killing out of pumping kids full of cheap alcopops. It really is an utterly worthless establishment.
anonymous - 7 Jan 2005 17:06 |
Oh sweet Jesus, what has Twickenham done to deserve this? I have to argue with the "relaxed and friendly atmosphere" comment. I got the feeling a fight was on the verge of breaking out at any moment. Gorilla doormen (they have to be because of the 'clientele'). Countless video screens showing either mute MTV or LSD induced adverts for promotions. Nasty colours, and an atmosphere that the KGBs old prisons would be proud of. Avoid.
I much preferred this place when it was the Post Office, it had more atmosphere and better facilities.
Its cheap, food is good and the cocktail pitchers are great before 8pm! It is dark mind, and The staff try and get rid of us by 11pm. I work in a pub and you are allowed to drink up til 1120! They should get their facts right. Apart from that its cheap booze!
Pixie - 30 Jun 2004 13:05 |
sorting room has a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. the bar staff are friendly and the food is good for the money that you pay. ggod for a night out as a couple or in a group.
bunny - 14 Jun 2004 15:46 |
it was designed to serve up cheap booze. thats the whole wetherspoons ethos!!
a30 - 22 May 2004 00:57 |
This place tries to be a pub, club and fast food joint and fails miserably on all three. Appears as though it were designed to serve up cheap booze to kids with fake IDs. Noisy, dark and unfriendly.
dance?? its a pub!!! not a club woman. if u want a club i suggest you go else were. the bouncers are only rude to pikies.... say no more.
a30 - 30 Apr 2004 17:03 |
I'm almost 40, I didn't have to hang out of my top and I got in!! It's not a nightclub, it's a pub - and a cheaper one than most. The doorstaff are a bit over-exuberent at the end of the night, though.
CS_161 - 28 Apr 2004 22:43 |
The bouncers are rude, they turn ppl away with genuine ID, the food is horrible, u can't dance there, as above, 16 year old totty on certain nights and if you don't hang out ur top, u don't get in, boring, not nightclub, overated and way to expensive for the quality and services it supplies. They should have put a real nightclub there instead of a teeniboppers gathering hall!
Hollie - 20 Apr 2004 13:39 |
this is the best pub i have ever been in it is always clean and is hardly ever full of young people. the bar staff are friendly who ever says its nasty better get there eyes check out!
full of kids - i wouldn't recommend it!! music too loud to talk, and no-one even dances. Only redeeming factors are the very large pitchers of cocktails
anonymous - 12 Feb 2004 17:12 |
great place to drink. meet lots of nice people, can take a while to get served at the bar, but they're always friendly. have the music vids playing with the songs!
anonymous - 7 Feb 2004 17:53 |
Very large, spacious, modern and no atmosphere. Dead during the lunch hour so ok for a beer and food. Unambitious menu and prices are medium to high. Large TV screens and I imagine it is full of 16 yr old totty on a Saturday night.
anonymous - 6 Jan 2004 10:17 |