No such thing as Hogshead pubs these days anyway.
One thing to add.... it is not a Hogshead... where did that come from? Confused!
Now this is in my new local area, so I thought I better pop in and see what the fuss is about... I liked it. It gave the impression of being huge... it wasn't! The garden though made up for it, it was brimming with people, under two tent like structures, there was some flaming heaters under the tents and there was a great little barn structure to the left with more traditional bar type heating. Up the back (I did not visit) was a garden bar - it was just opening and it must be very helpful after the mass of customers that had filled the business since I arrived. I did not eat on this occasion as it looked busy but I may in the future as there was some interesting things on the menu that just demand a try "monkey fingers???"
I had an Abbot Ale (Surprise!!) it was actually very good and the bar man was happy to give out a few tasters of the others even once I had bought the Abbot... now that is service!!! He told me about the cellar and plans for the future and to be honest... It sounds good there, well planned, run and frequented.
I will pop back during a less busy occasion and let you know how I got on, all in all though, not bad at all. Not sure if I am up for Halloween though... might just pack myself up in bed and ride out the incoming storm on that one.. maybe with a tin of Abbot?
Busy pub close to the town centre. Keeps Greene King beers but has a large range of lagers as well. Had a Golden Hen and few pints of Estrella. Has a large beer garden at the back.
This is by far the busiest and best pub in Colchester. The court yard garden sometimes resembles Brighton Beach on a sunny day. The food and service is great and I couldn't think of a better place to go to. Its's toilets are the best I've seen and the pub is always spotlessly clean.
Pub has had a massive facelift this year and looks like a lot of money was spent on it - shame they couldn't have diverted a few quid to install some air conditioning or ceiling fans as this pub is ABSURDLY hot no matter what time of day or even what time of year. the poor staff are dripping with sweat when they serve you. have to say that the landlord is an old drunk who is never without a pint even when he works which doesnt seem very often. beer is a bit steep but i guess they have to claw back the cash spent on the refurbishment somehow. it's a lot cleaner, brighter and welcoming than it used to be. Most of the old bar flies have long gone and it's now a nice place to drink......apart from the heat - SORT IT OUT GREENE KING!
I should add, in fairness, that they were very happy to give tasters to my pals, what a shame I didn't even occur to me to ask likelise for whatever was badged as Lomond. If anyone's interested, my pub rating was still 7, oh, and the manageress was very pretty.
Gk ipa (served two ways! No, & no thanks), Abbot, Goffs Jouster, Wickwar Bankers Draft, Batemans Miss South Africa, Lomond Gold. Large central hexagonal island bar serving various drinking areas, dark wood to street, tiles to right, more wood, carpet to left/rear. Very large, mostly paved, outside area with lots of picnic sets, some umbrellas, a long open wood-roofed area to rt & a small tented set-up nr door. Front bar has a mix of wooden furniture and a nice large corner window fully open to the street in yesterday�s sunshine. Small & large plasmas, but no Sky, they aint looking for the football set. Now the problem: one of my halves was Lomond Gold (it�s not), calls itself blonde (it�s not), sounds tasty (it�s awful). When the barman agreed that it was far from what he expected when he had tried it earlier I asked whether it might be changed for summat else, he referred me to the 20-something, pierced-tongued, manageress who rightly claimed that the pub could not be responsible for a brewery�s pumpclip and that I should have read the tasting notes (a brief-sheet I hadn�t seen on the bar), she then disappeared. Lomond Gold wasn�t listed, enabling me to ask the barman if I could have another word. She maintained the stance that they couldn�t just �give away� beer because a brewery�s (clip) notes/descriptions were wrong. I shouldn�t have let frustration allow an F to slip out, but I apologised and said not to worry, I�d just state that in my report. Suddenly she couldn�t give me a replacement quickly enough. I really didn�t want to make such an issue and would have backed down if she hadn�t dismissed me quite so summarily in the first instance. Looking now at Lomond Gold tasting notes (and SIBA gold award), I can only think that the pump was wrongly clipped � what came out bore no resemblence to the descriptions available, and was pretty foul. Despite all this, I rather liked the pub and would certainly return (if allowed to after this diatribe�)
Love this pub! It's so warm, friendly and welcoming. It could do with a face lift but I belive this will be happening later in the year. On holiday monday my wife and I went to Wivenhoe and we ended our day back in the Kings Arms listening to an absolutely top rate band. The whole pub was singing with them and there was a real 'feelgood' atmosphere too. FANTASTIC!
I had noticed the recent positive reviews regarding guest ales so thought I better take a look. I saw through the window an Otter Ale pump clip so knew they had something I would drink. At the front of the pub on hand pump today were Otter Ale, GK's IPA and seasonal Hare Raiser. At the back bar; GK's Old Speckled Hen, Davenports England�s Glory and Cairngorm Nessie's Monster Mash. It is great to see three genuine guest ales in a Greene King pub. This is definitely the most guest ales I have ever seen a G/K pub. I know from travels recently that G/K have changed their attitude to guest beers recently. Both the Otter Ale and Nessie's Monster were on good form at �2.95. Both the front and back bars now have a blackboard to show what ales are available in the pub.
The Kings Arms has always been good for food and certainly what I saw served tonight looked and smelt good. There is a permanent menu as well as certain daily specials. The blackboard to the right of the bar showed curry of the day is home made pork curry at �5.95. There is quite a selection of wine at the front bar if that is what you fancy. It also displayed the bands planned for the bank holiday weekend ahead. The rear outside seating area is always popular when the weather is good. The bar to the right if coming from the back has two comfy leather sofas and a plasma TV. On tonight's showing I am sure I will use more regularly now.
For some weeks now things have been looking up in this Pub. The Gents toilet doors have finally been repaired (how many months/years did this take) and there are now a good number of cask ales on sale which rotate quite frequently? Well done to somebody for finally recognising what the regulars of many years and drinkers of fine ales actually wanted (there are numerous hostelries in the town that sell Eurobeer which all tastes the same, lager that is). On the downside however, music is played so loud at times that the clientele have to shout to be heard. Can't expect everything I suppose!
Haven't been for a few months, but I had a very enjoyable time and the pub was very busy. It seems more like the old Hogshead now they have a lot more cask ales available. I tried a pint of Roosters Farmhouse Ale and very good it was. Didn't eat on this occaision, but I have had very good reports about the food so I'll try next time. Very pleasantly surprised and a very good pub.
This used to be a great pub until Greene King bought it however there is still a good atmosphere with people coming and going all of the time.The Gents toilets are a bloody disgrace, the doors won't close and have not done so for some time, it wouldn't cost much to fix this but I suppose the cost would eat into GKs profits! Last Friday evening the Morlands and another beer went off at the same time and it took 20 minutes to get them back on again. Poor bloody show. We constantly hear that pubs are not making enough money but what do they expect when they don't have what you want? Customer service, ha!
Used to be a great real ale pub, until it changed to Greedy King.The food is good, but the ale is not up to much.
Used to be a great real ale pub, until it changed to Greedy King.The food is good, but the ale is not up to much.
Some of my non ale drinking friends talked me into visiting as a band was performing. I had previously not visited since the old 'Hogs Head' days. It was always good outside in those days in the large seated courtyard. Unfortunately only GK beer available here now. 'IPA','Speckled Hen' and 'Morland Original'. The band did not seem up to much. We ended up outside as the pub was pretty busy and 3 of my mates are smokers. The atmosphere outside on a cold night seemed better than inside the pub.
Used to be a good pub for real ales, but when I last went there (about a month ago) there were none at all. Staff are not very attentative or efficient. Decor inside is OK, outside facilities are quirky but well done and user friendly.
Yevad - 14 Jul 2007 15:02 |
The Beer is at best mediocre, I havent tried the food, but their reaction to minority groups such as transgender and others is dismal to be kind, and downright dangerous to the individual concerned at worst. The music is samey and seems to be bought in on a as cheap as possible basis. Generally I find little to recommend this pub on and their reaction to the t-community is positively stuck in the stone age
Arguably the best town centre pub. Used by all types of the local population. Not pricey as others suggest (try the Hospital Arms up the road for prices). Good well kept beers but now unfortunately a Greene King pub as opposed to a Hogshead therefore not many real ales from other breweries.If you haven't visited, your missing out on life!
Nice, but pricey.
Where many old faces from the classic 80's/early 90's hole-in-the-wall days still go - to talk about their mortgages. Still the best boozer in town.
Might be the best pub in Colchester - but having been tere, that is entirely relative! Beer is above average for Colchester, but well below average for the UK. Food acceptable, but nothing special.
Fred - 31 Oct 2004 23:00 |
Enjoyable visit to this pub. Good food and ales with a very pleasant atmosphere compared to other Colchester establishments.
Agree 100% the best pub in town. Great range of unusual beers and lagers and cheap wine. Big outdoor seating area, and always got live music each week. Plus the Thai curry nights are great. If you want a chilled out, friendly and relaxing atmosphere then come here - if not, virtually every other pub in Colchester will cater to your needs.
AM - 27 Aug 2004 15:21 |
Best pub in Colchester, only one where there isnt any trouble as no squaddies or pikey townies go there as its not on high street.
anonymous - 11 Mar 2004 12:50 |
One of the best in Colchester. Decent beers. Welcoming atmosphere, always busy full of different types. Loads of benches out the back ideal for summer.
james - 29 Jan 2004 11:57 |