Would rather eat my own arm than enter this dump again.
Avoid like the plague.
well I went in there saturday and I have to say it was a great night out!!! it is now being run by 2 really cool people, the music is great, the dance floor was packed and the drinks are cheap - love it.
a massive change from even last week when even the rats ran away!!!
Where to begin - this has to be the in the top five crappest clubs in the world - yes the world. I have never been stopped once trying to enter this place - that is already a bad sign. When you enter you see why - there is nobody there and the bouncer has a duel function - manning the door, and trying to entice passers by to enter (Amsterdam style).
Once inside you are greeted by tacky eighties decor (and that is after a refurb) and drinks that are so overpriced four people (the only other people in there) went bankrupt while i was in there. But it gets worse. The management have decided to create a V.I.P. area. This has to be seen to be believed since it amounts to a table, four chairs and some curtains covering the area - i bet they cannot wait for the Queen to visit.
Overall 0.3/10
Oh and �2 for a tiny bottle of water? Behave! Tap water was refused on several occasions during the evening!
Urghhhhhhhhhhhhh still the same old place and same old owners. That woman owner should not be allowed near customers at any time. Went there one Friday and there was just 1 guy behind the bar and apparently it was his first evening of work. The grumpy woman wasn't around, her husband was at the door. We saw one guy getting chucked out after waiting for over 20 minutes for daring to demand why the barman was taking his order. We saw quite a few people walking out during the evening due to the poor and slow service and the guy was even getting the prices wrong. We were overcharged twice by more than �5 but were given the right change when we complained that he'd got it wrong. DJ was better than the old pothead who smoked in the booth even up to a few months back. Place is still a dump and toilets are really creepy and dirty beyond belief. Surprised the health people haven't shut this place down yet1
Barracuda has now closed down and re-opened as Bar 8. It looks like, though I can't be absolutely sure, that the same ownership remains in place. Don't be confused by the lick of paint - avoid!
The place is expensive, pitch dark and surprisingly picky about who they let in considering the place is always empty. On the plus side the lack of punters is the only thing that enable the obviously poor bar staff to serve you quickly. The music in there is also atrocious. Avoid like a serial killer.
I would give Barracuda a very poor 2 out of 10 and that 2 points is only because it stays open later than most other places in Ealing. Have been going there on and off for 15 years, mostly just with pals who want to go on somewhere after the other bars in the area close. The woman who owns it is extremely rude and dresses like a tramp, she is rude to customers all the time and even ruder to her own staff. I've never seen the same bar staff there for more than a few months as obviously they must just walk out rather than be treated like animals. The place is hot and sweaty, the decor is almost creepy - I'm talking about the NEW decor after the refurb earlier in 2008. The door staff are hit and miss about their manners and the toilets are ALWAYS filthy and I'm sure they're a health hazard - that's the ladies - I hear the men's toilets are even worse. The DJ is always stoned and is often to be found smoking in his booth - when as far as I know smoking was banned in public places like this well over a year ago. I've been with friends who've been asked to leave after asking for a glass of tap water with ice and having had a small plastic water bottle slammed on the counter and asked for �2.50, �3.00 or �3.50 (the price goes up and down as they feel like), yet they still let us back in a few weeks later, eager to take our money. I haven't been back there for about 6 months and am hoping to make this permanent, so many places in the area that treat customers better, have a wider range of music and don't change the drinks' prices to suit them whenever they feel like it.
This place is not good! The management do not have a clue and the beer is terrible. I am surprised thay can keep the place open.
Bring back Muswells.
anonymous - 2 Aug 2007 22:21 |
Quit with the Barracuda bashing, it really isn�t than bad, yeah ok the management of the place need to get with the times but hey it�s the only place in Ealing which has a license until 5am! Most people posting neg. comments probably stagger into Barracuda when the priory (next door to barracuda) kicks them out at 2am. Yes it tends to attract the Asian community but does that really need to be mentioned, we�re in the 21st century living a multi-cultural society, surely we�ve got over all that nonsense about race by now. Just goes to show some of us are still living in the past.
anonymous - 12 Apr 2007 11:39 |
this place has good potential, but needs renovating. the management need to be more flexible and polite, but regardless of these few minor things, we all had a good nite out.
anonymous - 29 Mar 2007 11:29 |
door staff v. polite and professional, not too bad.
anonymous - 25 Mar 2007 17:59 |
This place isnt too good i am afraid. The management have no clue how to make and keep a place busy.... no clue! i do agree with previous comments saying that there is no problem with a muilti cultural society but the customers (who mainly are asian) of this club do have an attitude problem and do them selves no favours at all. I think they feel that they can get away with abusing woman as they want, fighting men as they want and generally being c**ts. Stay away and if you have any class, take yoursaelf and other half to a nicer place. there are a few others around!
Okay Tues 16th January, blimey!!!!!!!!!!!! As I read the comments first time round, don't need to read them and still don't see the need for you to mention your 'white' friends just cos a few previous posts had talked about colour. Do you own this place or something? You are very defensive?? Actually don't answer that, didn't appreciate the tone of your last back lash. I am entitled to an opinion and mine is that barracuda is a scuddy place to ge regardless of who you go with or what colour you are!!
mitsy - 16 Feb 2007 11:21 |
Tue 16th Feb??!! what year was that, it was'nt 2006 and it certainly is'nt 2007 cause we havent got that far yet! Why are you posting reviews on places you went to over a year ago?? And if you actually read the previous comments properly you would understand why i mentioned the 'white mates' bit.
I was persuaded to go for a late drink here on Tuesday 16th Feb, it was an ok night but that was because we (all 4 of us) were the only people in here. So i do believe that perhaps Stanley1980 and his 'white' mates (what difference does it make what colour you are?) does not come here 'every' Tuesday. In spite of us or perhaps because we were the only people there the drinks were ridicously and very randomly priced each round. They closed quite understandably just before1am.
mitsy - 26 Jan 2007 15:56 |
heard this place had changed for the better, so we thought we'd give it another try - pleasantly surprise, we actually had a ok nite.
anonymous - 9 Jan 2007 15:28 |
Had a great night out, polite staff on the door and at the bar.
Drinks are reasonably priced, late licence and a good mix of music.
anonymous - 5 Jan 2007 16:02 |
I can�t understand or begin trying. Looks like someone who has a grudge is trying to defame the establishment, which is strictly untrue. I am a regular customer for years who is in every Tuesday with my girlfriend and white mates.
How can a bottle of water cost �3.50, when the sprits are not even �3 a shot??!!
I am a regular customer of Barracuda because it is a very safe place to take your girlfriend to.
Why would you feel out of place being white Andrew, have you never heard of a mulicultural society, if you feel like this thats very sad..... and before you jump to your own conclusions I am white. Barracuda is a dive because of the people who run it and the people who wanna fight or grope girls, regardless of their colour, maybe you are insecure!!
anonymous - 24 Oct 2006 14:54 |
STAY AWAY, this place is bollocks. Doormen are rude, the beer is overpriced and its full of Asians so if you are white you will feel out of place. The music is awful, as is the atmosphere. STAY AWAY!
I used to come here a lot when I was 18-20 (I'm now nearly 25) when I found it a nice place to come and have a dance after the 11pm closing of the Ealing pubs. Revisiting the place recently (having - v embarrassingly- recommended it to friends) I came out totally disappointed. Instead of the music catering for all tastes as it was previously, and the dj open to most requests, it played just crap rnb, rnb, rnb ALL NIGHT!! ON BOTH FLOORS!! This is fine for those that like that music but what about the rest of us? (Needless to say this attracts a certain crowd of people who are either up for a fight or feel they have the right to touch up the girls on the dancefloor all night...)When i asked the owner/manager if they played any chart stuff/commercial dance like they used to he said 'of course' but there was no change in the music all night.So we hung around for ages for nothing. Also, a complete rip-off. Drinks prices are ridiculous as is the entrance fee and we were refused tap water as they wanted us to buy the �3.50 bottled water from the bar!!! Also the old woman owner is so rude. Has she never heard of customer service? In future i am going to stay away from the dump-a shame seeing as I actually used to look forward to going there when they played a good mix of music and I knew I would have a laugh there. Not any more.
anonymous - 1 Aug 2006 19:54 |
Rubbish. I only went in because I wanted a late drink but I think I'd have done better to have gone home and got some cans out. As soon as I'd gone in and got a drink I regretted it. You pay to get in and then the drinks are a complete rip off, especially considering the place is absolutely terrible. I will never set foot in it again and can only assume this place is competing with The Townhouse for the accolade of being the worst venue in Ealing.
Don't do it. Chavs, rude boyz (got to spell it with a "z"). King of Bling is too nice a term to describe people in here, the term Gypsy Kings of Liz Duke Bling is more appropriate. Got asked by one of the Rude Boyz "where you get dat cigar bro?", actually my ill educated Southallesque buddy, it's just a cigar. There's no "bro" on the end of it. Music? What music? Oh you call that music? Knock it down and try starting again, you can't polish a terd.
I think that Kevin308 might be having a giggle, good music? good DJ?
anonymous - 27 Feb 2006 17:45 |
went once and that was enough, the old couple who own it are SOOOOOOOO rude, the music is shit and when my friend asked for a glass of water she was given a bottle and the barmaid asked for �3.50, my mate said its okay i only wanted a glass of tap water, I'll leave it and then was thrown out for ordering a drink and not paying for it. The bottle had not even been opened and she did ask for tap water. Yet when there was a fight earlier on the bouncers ignored it and no one was asked to leave. This place is truly awful, only 3 cubicles in the ladies and even these have no locks and only one has a toilet seat, no loo paper. Its hard to believe a place this shoddy and dirty charges �5 ladies and �8 men.
anonymous - 18 Oct 2005 13:44 |
This place is truly awful. Rubbish music (though I guess if you like R&B it might be ok), �8 door charge at weekends, full of chavs wanting a fight and a dress code (which is hilarious as the place is a dive!). In it's favour it does have a late licence (not many places in Ealing do at present and those that do are just as bad) but to be honest if i want a drink that badly I'd catch a bus to Acton and try my luck getting into the Red Back instead.
Good Points
late licence Nice doormen good location good music good DJ
Bad points
too small for the amount of people they cram in there
No cloak room
wet floor
over priced drinks
very very long wait at the bar
toilets too small
toilets upstairs
stairs dangerous and narrow
way too hot.
Do not drink the beer here it is so rough. Asked the DJ for a song and he handed me a double CD and said that was all the music he had, so could I chose one from there.
Staff and bouncers are real friendly, the music is fab it has a good atmosphere, you get the odd trouble makers. Late Licence till 3am on weekends, so all the party people thats the place to party and the men are so fineeee!
Raaz - 29 Sep 2004 16:35 |
Least stressfull place in Ealing with a late licence - 3am at weekends. Staff and bouncers friendly. Refused a mate wearing boots once but generally very liberal door policy. Good place to go for a drink when you get thrown out of the pubs but costs �8 to get in. I find comments re trouble-makers strange as I've never come across any here.
Jon - 30 Aug 2004 00:41 |
I hate the owner as well! stupid woman wouldnt let me have tap water! she told me i shouldnt come in if i could afford to buy drinks!! i had bought about 20 thats why i needed the wateer. made such a fuss the bouncers let me go to the shop down the road to get some then come back in with it!whats the point!
Al - 8 Aug 2003 11:58 |
This place caters for people desperate to continue their evening afeter hours. You kind of know you're surrounded by pikeys but it's amicable enough. When the licensing laws change, so will these places!
A late beer, even on Sundays, but you have to steer clear of the trouble-makers.
Phil - 4 Mar 2003 18:14 |