Friendly place and cosy too.
Also very handy for the railway station so they are used too random strangers here.
Not a bad pub and am sure will do better. Good pint of Tribute and a good atmosphere. There could be a potential for trouble as some prople use it before going to a local night club. I have however NOT noticed any.
As previously mentioned, now the "One and All" - decent pint of Tribute.
alexw - 10 Jul 2012 22:12 |
Now reopened as 'The One and All' Haven't been in yet. I'll wait 'ti the novelty wears offand it's less crowded. Looks good and people I've spoken to say it's ok
All change, the place is reopening as the One and All, its previous nomenclature and not before time too. Flanagans? about as Oirish as Bishop bloody TUTU
Believe the licensee of this pub also had 'The Alex' and 'The Bath' in Penzance, but due to economic climate/ financial difficulties has decided to concentrate on 'The Bath'. I'm not suprised there was a lot of darts trophies, the team(s) were 'paid'. Not keeping in the 'spirit' of amature pub darts. Anyway the place is now closed and the owner has put posession signs all over the premises which is now boarded up
One of the least Irish looking Irish bars I have encountered, though none the worse for that. They had Skinners Green Hop on, which was just about drinkable. It's fairly handy for the station as well and probably more advisable if you don't have much time while waiting for a train.
anonymous - 7 Nov 2009 23:50 |
Penzance�s only attempt at an Irish bar comes with all the pre-requisite Guinness ads, shamrocks, live music and a signs for O�Connell Street although it plays more towards being a sports bar than a tip to the emerald isle. The main bar is dominated by a pool table and darts area whilst the usual run of sports coverage eminates from the plasma screens. Judging from the copious trophies, they take their sport quite seriously here so don�t play a local expecting a few free Guinesses. The main seating is at the rear, a couple of tables and a couple of small booths. A large Courage Best mirror possibly gives away the pub�s roots. I was expecting to see little more drinkable than Guiness and whilst I was surprised by the presence of 3 handpumps, all 3 were for Doom Bar and one was mysteriously reversed. The quality was not the best I have had but it was perfectly drinkable.and reasonably priced. Not a place I would rush back to but, unless you are going there for a specific purpose or event, it�s Ok for a quick pint.
To John and all the wonderful people in Flanagans, thanks for the great long weekend folks, loved every minute of it, well the ones I can remember, hope to be back soon !!!!
This pub is great, very well run, great pint of Stella to be had and superb for a night out !!!
Not been there before ???? Then treat yourself, you wont be dissapointed !!!
An Irish bar with bucketloads of kitsch but nevertheless a nice place. Good bar staff and a very friendly place near the railway station.