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BITE user profile - ChelseaLes

Profile information

Username: ChelseaLes

Age: 59

Sex: male

Latest comments by ChelseaLes

The Spinning Wheel, Northfields

As of Wed 24 Nov 2010 The Spinner is closed to be replaced by a bloody Sainsburys, thats just what we need as theres not enough shops like that in the area !!!!

She will be missed, RIP The Spinner

29 Nov 2010 19:00

The One and All Inn, Penzance

To John and all the wonderful people in Flanagans, thanks for the great long weekend folks, loved every minute of it, well the ones I can remember, hope to be back soon !!!!

This pub is great, very well run, great pint of Stella to be had and superb for a night out !!!

Not been there before ???? Then treat yourself, you wont be dissapointed !!!

4 May 2007 14:05

The Hoop and Toy, South Kensington

As someone who works nearby most lunchtimes are spent having a swift half in the Hoop, good pub with friendly staff, have added guest ales to beer range and the food is very good, but does get packed very quickly and can be smokey at times, tho now have a no smoking at the bar policy !!!!

John and Lynn KTBFFH !!!! :-)

3 Mar 2005 15:12

See all comments by ChelseaLes

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ChelseaLes has been registered on this site since 2nd March 2005