Having just moved back to the area, decided to give the Robin Hood a go on Christmas day as advised as open on the local Guardian paper till 11pm. Walked in at 9.30 pm with my son after my shift work.around 15 people in ,young bar lad turned to a table where the manager was sitting,we are then told its a private party. Obviously only wanting locals in as no notice on door and someone paying cash for a drink.... Back in the day when Ken was landlord was a great place to go.Now looks a lack of real ale ,not sure I would bother to return..
Another new landlord after the last ones only lasted 2 years.
No Young's beers in sight, now that this is owned by Punch.
New landlord seems very friendly - Lets hope it is longer and better than the last 3.
Open again!!!
New landlord, new staff, very friendly, great food given out on opening night.
The landlord left during the COVID19 lockdown and the pub didn't reopen.
Youngs believed to be looking for a new tennant
Open again.
The new Landlod - Chris - Is already making the place so much better than it has been for years! A really friendly and welcoming chap too.
The place has had a (long overdue) clean and minor refurb.
It actually has stock now, so the beers are not running out. The bar fridges have stuff in them again.
Food offering is also improved.
Landlord had left.
Pub now closed.
Might open in a couple of weeks after a minor refurb
pissflap,did you and hubby GO WEST to get to the robin hood from grapes lol west street pub and all that.
Good old fashioned Young's pub, bar staff wore shirts and ties, don't see that much anymore. Off the beaten track but worth a visit if you like Young's ales.
Last of 15 new pubs I sampled on Sunday and whilst this wasn't the best pub I tried during the day, it's a close call between the Robin Hood and the Little Windsor for best pub in Sutton. I guess it depends whether you prefer Youngs or Fullers. 3 ales were on - Special, Bitter & Waggledance. I plumped for a bottle of Double Chocolate Stout to round off my day and very nice it was too. It was fairly quiet. But then it was closing time on a Sunday evening.
Great customers, good staff, landlord and landlady never seen, young's beer is watery and tasteless.
Was in here again today good few pints of Youngs.
Very good pint of Young bitter in here today,very good service
my local pub,very good youngs beer,like this place a lot.
anonymous - 27 Dec 2011 15:52 |
I was in here last Wednesday with a few work colleagues, it seems to have really dropped off the radar to be honest, we had drank there on many occasions in the past. The chaps behind the bar where nice don't get me wrong but then they had some chippy pulling the ceiling down around the place, should these sort of jobs not be carried out whilst shut, surely? It was after 5 and there was around 6 punters in there "at the most". We sat out the front as it was a better atmosphere than inside to be honest. We all had pints of special which was good. All i can say is I've heard some poor fool has aquired the lease recently, well i wish them the best of luck as their going to need it. we finished our pints and ventured upo to the High st.
Adam, you're level pegging with us for your score now dude :p
Ain't it a nice feeling when your locals take 5 minutes to defend you from the keyboard warriors. One thing I will say - if you ever need urgent stock, call telesales, before 10am and you can pop over to the croydon depot and collect it in the afternoon. I've had to do it a couple of times.
I have been reading some of the comments posted re The Robin Hood with both interest and dismay.
I am not sure whether k0536006 is talking about the same pub that I know,
The pub is much busier now than it was some months ago, Adam reccently received the Cask Marque Award for the quality of his beer & there has been no price increase since early 2010 & the recent increase in VAT has not been passed on to the customers.
The increase in customers and turnover reflects, to me, a pub that is on the up so carry on Adam & Harriet & do not be worried about a very small minority who I wonder might have some obscure & hidden agenda
Give Adam & Harriet a chance guys. My wife & I were 'Ken fans' overall but as far as we can see the pub is better, busier and friendlier all round. Adam has to make a living so if you have a beef about prices contact Youngs (who are both the landlord and the supplier of the beer) and/or The Chancellor - I don't see Adam in a Jag - if I do THEN I'll begin to worry! As to the beer shortages of late, I understand that these arose purely as a result of the very successful special evenings put on by A & H coupled with an intransigent ordering system at Youngs which does not permit late changes - even when caused by an actual surge in business. Strange world indeed.
keeno - 21 Feb 2011 19:04 |
As new tenants we feel that we should post our views in what we have been trying to acheive and how we plan to make the robin hood a successful welcoming pub.
There is nothing we want more than to keep the RH a traditional place, however the pub trade is a stuggling one therefore some changes need to be made in order for us to survive. We are aware many regulars rely on us to keep the loved atmosphe which is why for two weeks we did a survey. Most customers were asked their views on our low background music and new menus. the results were that the majority welcomed the changes as well as it attracting wonderful new customers. unfortunately it is impossible to please every individual.
In comparison to some pubs we may appear expensive as with many Youngs Houses, however since Ken left we have not increased any prices. instead we refused to increase when the VAT went up wanting to be sure to keep our customers happy. We can also say with confidence that beer quality is still something we pride ourselves on as our recently awarded Cask Marque shows.
Food has been cooked by us at the RH for the last three years and now we have had the chance to tweak the menu to improve the standards and prices. Everything is now cheaper but even more delicious.
It is great that people have always felt safe in the RH, Lukily any situations can usually be defused without customers beeing aware by a quick friendly chat. Unfortunatley on one rare incident we felt it necessary to call the police in the best interest and safety of customers and staff alike. we would like to reasure all that we will continue to keep the pub a safe and happy environment.
any questions or concerns will be more than welcome at any time, we are never far away and are always happy to have a chat and listen next time your in.
Adam and Harriet
Are some of those that have posted recent comments change haters or mates of Ken? The gentle and quite background music is a pleasant improvement. The people who cooked the food previously are the same people doing the cooking today. The menu is varied and an improvement on the previous �bought-in� curry�s and the �Today�s Special� of Corned Beef sandwich under Ken. Noticed they are also using fresh rather than frozen vegetables. The price of beer has not changed at all since Ken�s departure. In fact the Robin is probably the only pub in the area that hasn�t put beer up following the VAT increase. Not saying it�s cheap as it�s not, but is false to claim that the prices are now ridiculous. The police have been called only once to remove an intoxicated and abusive customer, the matter being dealt with in minutes. I was in the pub at the time and didn�t even notice they had been. The number of customers now visiting the Robin has significantly increased since Ken has left. This is a combination of old regulars returning and a more �grateful� service � no longer get chairs stacked on tables the second the last bell tolls. Even get an extension to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays now. Ken�s gone, a nice bloke but sometimes a rude landlord who obviously failed to deliver. The number of customers dropping over the last couple of years proving fatal. Onwards and upwards � well done so far Adam.
The cynic in me says the cronies are out in force, and Adam seems to be the meat of the week!
You always get change when a new landlord takes over and getting a slating on an online review site seems to be par for the course nowadays; but I do wonder if the same criticisms would be coming out if a third party had taken over rather than someone who was in the fold. I had a pint in the Robin a few weeks ago and didn't see a problem with it (admittedly, I drink it rather than sniff it). I've not tried the food since Adam took over, but seeing as Adam and Harriet did the majority of the cooking, I fail to see how it could have deteriorated. Cut the guy some slack, and give him six months to give the pub his stamp.. You may not like what's going on, but the harsh reality of the pub trade today is that change is necessary - COMMUNICATE WITH THE LANDLORD - Tell him your concerns, and hopefully, the Robin Hood won't become yet another closed down pub.
The cynic in me says the cronies are out in force, and Adam seems to be the meat of the week!
You always get change when a new landlord takes over and getting a slating on an online review site seems to be par for the course nowadays; but I do wonder if the same criticisms would be coming out if a third party had taken over rather than someone who was in the fold. I had a pint in the Robin a few weeks ago and didn't see a problem with it (admittedly, I drink it rather than sniff it). I've not tried the food since Adam took over, but seeing as Adam and Harriet did the majority of the cooking, I fail to see how it could have deteriorated. Cut the guy some slack, and give him six months to give the pub his stamp.. You may not like what's going on, but the harsh reality of the pub trade today is that change is necessary - COMMUNICATE WITH THE LANDLORD - Tell him your concerns, and hopefully, the Robin Hood won't become yet another closed down pub.
Agree. Beer quality dropping with every visit. Number of customers dropping with every visit. Number of staff serving dropping with every visit. Number of bottled beers in the fridges dropping with every visit.
As a consequence, my visits are getting further and further apart.
To think this was Camra's Sutton Pub of The Year under Ken and he was awarded best managed cellar in the Young's chain. New guy will never come near any of these accolades.
The Hope in Carshalton (another West Street!) is where a lot of former Robin Hood regulars have migrated.
Jinxed, I agree.
Not the pub it once was, food overpriced and avarage, beer not 100%.
It's not rocket science!!
I have been a fairly regular visitor over the last 15 years, but I fear it is time to find elsewhere.
Since Ken's departure and Adam's promotion the quality of food has declined (the menu has also changed, not in a good way), the price of beer is now ridiculous. The background music is not an issue, it is very quiet and does not over power the bar at all and at times a welcome addition, the pub itself remains as it always has, but the clientele is also on the decline with the police now having to be called on occasion - something I had never seen before in this pub!
The atmosphere of this once lovely relaxing traditional pub is changing, as mentioned time to find elsewhere or bring back Ken...
The pub is still fine,fail to see problem with a bit of background music. Ken had his day,why cant people see this. Food menu is better,but beer is stiil on the exspensive side.
anonymous - 6 Feb 2011 18:33 |
The dreaded background music has arrived at the RH following Ken's departure.
After many years of using the RH as a lunchtime hostelry it is time to find somewhere else
heard the pub had changed management for the first time in up to twenty years,so went in for a pint to check it out.there is now background music and though the pub seems to have retained its original facilities on my visit was no longer the traditional great boozer it had once been.the staff were very friendly and the food menu is now more extensive.unfortunately the no nonsense approach of the previous management has been lost.end of an era
Good youngs pub but overpriced just like most youngs pubs. Enjoyed a nice couple of beers in there yesterday.
anonymous - 31 Dec 2010 16:54 |
One of very few great pubs in Sutton
A proper pub within 5 mins walk of the High Street. Here you can avoid the alcoholic vest wearing drunks from the Benhill estate & Rosehil, who frequent the pubs at the bottom of the High Street, also the alcopop yoof brigade loitering around the top end of the High Street.
I find the Youngs beer to be very good, service also friendly. The food (although not an extensive menu) I've enjoyed as well.
kens beer is overpriced & alot of his punters are now using the grapes as you can get the same ales for under �2
In a twon which is home to what must be some of the worst pubs on earth, the Robin Hood shines out - well worth the five minute walk from the high street. Well kept Fuller's beers, great staff and very friendly locals. Always a pleasure to visit.
The Robin was my 'local' (ie not my nearest, but my 'local') from 1975 to 1987 and then whenever I was in Sutton from 1987 to 2004. It's so nice to see that the pub I spent so much happy time in with my Dad is still what it was (although I'm old enough to have been a regular in the old public bar and remember the Baileys). Long may Ken reign!
Very relaxing and welcoming pub in the tradional sense. Away from the high street variety, so away from the hustle and bustle crowd Could have easily stayed for a fair few ales
Highly recommended
Great news about the springs, but where is the stunning lady!! still waiting to see her at the bar.
Has just had all the seats re-upholsered and re-sprung. Very comfortable
Very good pub, if a bit expensive, but worth it
Very good pub, if a bit expensive, but worth it
Not many pubs left like this anymore,traditional freindly pub with great bar service,quiz nite is quite popular and the only down side is some of the seats have lost their springs! bit hard on the bottom.Seems quite safe for women on their own and one jaw dropping stunner comes in now and then and sits at the bar.Patio is adequete and hanging baskets add a nice touch, never any trouble as most people are locals and the staff would not put up with any trouble makers.
anonymous - 17 Jun 2007 14:59 |
Without a doubt the best boozer in Sutton; if you want fancy lagers, muzzak and a gastronomic delight it is not the place for you!!
However I am told that the wines are not bad and the bitters are excellent
Best pint of Charles Wells I ever have had. This is by far the best PUB in Sutton no competition nearing the quality here
A properly run pub serving the best Youngs beer in Sutton. How long this will last after brewing is transferred to Bedford remains to be seen. Definitely worth a visit tho'. Sutton CAMRA Pub of the Year 2006
This pub has just been rated by CAMRA as serving the best beer in Sutton.
I'm not at all surprised - Definatly the best beer in Sutton.
Ken has just been awarded the best kept cellar in the Young's chain. I beleive he was runner up for the last 2 years.
A great comendation for a great cellarman and the great beers he keeps it in.
P.S. to "Colourshifter" - Ken STILL runs a great quiz on Monday nights. Free to enter, with 8 bottles or beer or 2 botles of wine to the winning team - PLUS, an extra "jackpot" question (still free to enter) that wins you cash - Currentluy the jackpot is �100.
To all the Stella drinkers I would say, try something different. The real drinks in this pub are well looked after and appeal to the more discerning drinker. They also have a good range of wines. This is definitly the best pub in Sutton, run by Ken who knows his business. Would reccommend to anyone who prefers real ale and a pub not crowded with alco-pop guzzling children. Used to run a good quiz on Monday eve.
This is a cracking Pub I work for another Pub Company and always drink in the Robin Hood also passing 2 other pubs to go there
In an ideal world, of course, the Robin Hood staff could have used the "overpriced Stella" complaint as an opportunity to recommend Young's beers. There's no reason to buy bland, homogenous stuff like Stella when you can get the fantastic Young's Pilsener. From there, it's only a short leap of faith to Kew Brew or Lords, and then you're on the slippery slope to total Young's obsession. The only Young's beer you can't get at the RH is Oatmeal Stout... I wish they'd rectify that.
�3.05 *is* a lot for a pint of wife-beater, admittedly, but then at least you can drink it in pleasant surroundings in the Robin Hood, unlike the kiddie theme bars on Sutton High St :-)
anonymous - 2 Feb 2006 00:39 |
Its very expensive �3.05 for a pint of Stella - Must agree with this , the price is no way justified it's not even an exceptional pint of Stella. Seem's ok for real ale drinkers it but if you like your larger avoid like the plague unless you have just won the Jackpot in the Lottery that is
Dear Mr. Anonymous....
If you want cheap beer - go to a wetherspoons.
I am reminded of how Price & Quality are related........ If you want good quality straw that is dry and well kept - That comes at a certain price. If you are happy with straw that has already been through a horse - That comes a little cheaper.
Nice looking pub inside & out,thats the only good thing i can say about the place. Its very expensive �3.05 for a pint of Stella(that was 6months ago)Landlord very rude on my last visit. When i asked how they can justify charging �3.05 for Stella, i was told if i dont like it tough!! Also a sign put up saying "London prices without the hassle of travel" After moving to the area i was hoping to use the pub as my local.But i'll never go in there again.:-(
anonymous - 27 Dec 2004 20:47 |
The best pub in Sutton by far. Fab Beer, great food choice and quality and very welcoming.
JY - 16 Nov 2004 19:53 |
Young's "Winter Warmer" and "Christmas Pudding Ale" have just arrived and they are both excellent!! Counted the number of different Young's bottled beers in their chiller cabinet today - 15!! And this is on top of their excellent brews on tap and the other bottled beers and other bottled drinks. What a wonderful selection!
Leslie - 4 Nov 2004 19:04 |
Proper locals pub with good food and quiz which Ken the licensee makes his own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Simon - 3 Nov 2004 03:05 |
The pub is now entering its big charity push raising money for The Sutton Volunteer Bureau. The current project is the sale of Christmas Cards featuring a Christmas Scene in the pub. At �5 for 10 and the cause its for it represents good value.
Simon - 3 Nov 2004 02:18 |
Top pub, great beer, good food. It's not a resturant, but for good, honest pub food with VERY gererous portions, it can't be beaten
Sam - 1 Nov 2004 14:41 |
I walk past five pubs to get here - a 25 to 30 minute walk. This pub is worth the effort. Friendly staff, great pub-cooked food, a superb selection of bottled beers and the cask ales are looked after to perfection. The landlord knows what his regulars want - when the St. Georges Ale was available, he ordered loads of it to last the rest of the year - Now this is the only pub in the country with Young's St. Georges Ale still available :-)
Blofeld's Cat - 25 Sep 2004 08:45 |
Jacquie, Lisa, Dave, Angela & Michelle (Landlady) are fantastic as well.
Leslie - 23 Sep 2004 09:18 |
An excellent range of Young's Beers which are expertly kept, quiz night on Mondays, a crib team, friendly customers and great staff make this the best pub in Sutton.
Mark - 21 Sep 2004 22:19 |
Well stocked with an enormous variety of bottled beers as well as superbly looked after cask ales. Great food. Staff who know your name and friendly regulars. There is even a crib team! Truly, a propper English pub!
Mr - 21 Sep 2004 12:25 |
Well kept beer, excellent staff quiet and clean. If it where a free house it would be near perfect.
Carl - 21 Sep 2004 12:11 |
Probably the best kept beer in Sutton. Excellent staff - especially Malcolm, Simon and Ken (Landlord). Quiz night on Mondays is free to enter with beer as the prizes. Food excellent value and quality.
Leslie - 20 Sep 2004 14:52 |
Sorry that bored bored bored of 4.7.2033 feels that way. But if he wants to go to The Moon on The Hill there is definately no atmosphere there . the Robin is a good solid local pub serving good quality Youngs beer
Simon - 19 Aug 2004 02:13 |
Wonderfull atmosphere staff make you feel at home. Perfect well run and good food.
I fully support Rosemary Morrison's comments above, (person unknown to me). From my particular point of view I cannot comment on the single woman aspect but suspect this to be 100% correct also.
Rai - 9 Jan 2004 18:02 |
Good old fashioned Young's pub. Beer always good, friendly staff, pleasant atmosphere.
alec - 7 Jan 2004 16:33 |
Excellent, very well-run pub - friendly staff invariably greet you as you walk in the door. Glasses always served brim-full (their policy). Freshly cooked food served piping hot and quickly. Fresh ingredients are bought by the landlord's wife and cooked by her - portions are exceedingly generous. A comfortable pub where a single woman is made welcome. Highly reccommended - just what a neighbourhood pub should be like, but not for the trendy wanting a DJ and loud music. Always well patronised at lunchtime.
Rosemary Morrison - 26 Nov 2003 19:08 |
An OASIS of real beer, decent food and a pleasant atmosphere in Sutton. Good YOUNGS' beer.
Very friendly staff providing a great service
Brian from Aberdeen - 25 Jul 2003 13:20 |
As described mate, it's a quiet locals pub. Just because it doesn't have a resident 'hard house DJ' doesn't mean it's boring.
Good beer, bloody nice staff (you actually get drinking up time unlike the poxy Wetherspoons) and the other locals are a friendly bunch.
St Georges day party is a particularly good night out.
Dan - 22 Jul 2003 15:56 |
God the last two comments must have been made by the Manager and his wife. This has got to be THE most BORING pub in Sutton. Staff are ok but god it lacks atmosphere big time.
Bored bored bored - 4 Jul 2003 15:55 |
Friendly local's pub, quiz on mondays and a dartboard. Excellent chips if you like 'em chunky with mayo! Actually their food is pretty good generally as it goes. Bitter selection is the usual 'special' or 'ordinary' but they have some nice bottled stuff. Quiet so good for a chat.
Dave the bitter drinker - 17 Apr 2003 11:28 |
Hidden behind the Cinema complex. Decent Youngs pub. Much more a 'locals' pub than the town centre pubs making the atmos. more comfortable.
JBH - 28 Mar 2003 12:08 |