Have not been to this pub for ages, but gave it a try, as unlike the Crown they still have Sky and happily agreed for my mate and I to watch the London Irish rugby game. Nice to see a busy pub, with a young crowd playing darts and a video jukebox, and had a good pint of Black Sheep Bitter, which as a real ale man was greatly appreciated.
The last poster 'atthebar' is Katie, the governor of the Red Lion nearby. See the much more recent and numereous comments about her awful place!
would only go back in a apache attack helicopter fully armed,what a truly horrible place i wont even call it a pub.
What a dive ! Staff about as cheerful as a bulldog chewing a wasp after licking piss off a nettle. Only seems to gather a crowd of people (term used loosely) because it has Sky Sports, it's certainly not for their extensive range of real ale. John Smith's smoothflow at �3 a pint, or sod all else, will not be attracting this punter back in a hurry.
My friends wanted to go there because of the pool table, so I thought I'd give it a go. What a grimy, sleazy pub of pervy old men. A pint of fosters was �2.10 (I�m not sure what the price is now, this was about a year ago), however even if they charged 50p for a pint, I still wouldn't go back. The rough unapproachable clientele made it an unpleasant and intimidating experience.
Yes, have to agree with previous comments- found it very unfriendly and intimidating. No real ales, and spirits served in 25ml. measures at the same price that other pubs charge for 35ml. measures, thus making them 40% dearer!
Scary Scary pub - could easily be subject of any horror film - dont go there.
Agree with previous poster - I noticed work had been done outside so decided to visit. I got to door and about 3 people inside all just looking at me. I felt so uncomfortable I just turned and walked away. Very strange place indeed.
Passing it everyday, I couldn't help but notice that the place has had a 'bit of work' done on it recently outside, so I went in for curiosity sake. Once inside you'll see it has by far the largest drinking area in the town, and yet there's nobody in it! All empty and wasted and there are just enough locals sat round with elbows wide enough to stop you getting in, or they're in the side room playing pool. The place could fit hundreds of people in, but there is no effort put in to attracting them, and once in, there's no reason for them to stay. Students or afterwork friday night crowds would spend �000's, but don't go as they'd feel uncomfortable whilst drinking. The few unwelcoming types that frequent the place put a whole load more people off going in... but I spose even those kind of people need a place to drink their strong lagers, smoke outside, talk about tatoos and fighting, and as for the blokes that go there...
mm yes, real local, went once, probably not again, watch your back for the flying pint glass!
dire really really dire,probally the worst pub i have ever been too.
anonymous - 29 Jun 2007 11:38 |
went in on sunday,will never ever return, crown or red lion,for decent ale and food.ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK.
anonymous - 4 Mar 2007 18:15 |
Sadly, a shabby and smelly flea-pit of a pub, no ale anymore and was glad to make a swift exit after a token half!
The inhabitants and staff are at least a little more classier than their surroundings and they didn't feel too unwelcoming, unlike the pub itself.
Not even worth going in for curiousity value I'm afraid.
A nice pub, good on saturday night and good atmosphere
anonymous - 6 Nov 2005 19:34 |
Not too bad to watch the football, but certaily not a place where you'd wish to impress a lady!! Saying that, the staff are very friendly, and the locals - a few bigots & chavs aside - are generally quite a good bunch.
Oh bloody hell, this is the worst of them all. A shabby, smelly place with dreadful furniture and, well, it's just really, really awful. I feel dirty just thinking about it. And not in a good way.
Quiet early in the evening; picks up later. Courage house (Bitter is only real ale), with pool table, gambling machines and video jukebox. More of a true boozer than the Iguana down the street.