Went to the Jolly on Wednesday 10th. There was a rotund gentleman from Slough who was being a royal pain in the a**e. He bothered a chap minding his own business then regaled us all with a speech!!! Landlord no where to be seen just a lone barmaid the situation could have got ugly.
P and F have done a great job, however it does seem things are lapsing back towards old ways. Garden grass was un cut for most of the summer. Toilets still have not been painted and cleaned up and the general attention to details has lapsed. Still it serves good beer and wine and good food, just hope they don't drop standards any further and would like to see those other areas sorted
What has happened to the control of this Pub! A Scotsman from Hersham thinks that it is pleasant for him to bring his guitar in and wail away thinking that it is enjoyable, it certainly is not when you just want to come in for a peaceful drink and chat. He now invites other people and is turning it in to an open jam session. It is unbearable and customers are walking out so Healy Group sort this out now before your revenue dives!
This is a very pleasant Pub to visit in Weybridge and the staff are on the ball with service. Only 1 bug though when it is busy, unthought full persons that think that the bar is their territory and do not move to allow the access for customers who need serving.
Paul and Felicity Congrats on your news. Now would be a great time to amend this site's details as I believe you are the landlords. (Clue " Richard and Jayne welcome children"). Keep up the good work.
Under the new management the Jolly farmer has again become the best pub in weybridge. Every time I go in I notice some new improvement and big respect to the landlord who is always in a shirt and tie and running the pub as it should be run. Only thing I would like to see if a local beer on every so often, apart from that I can't fault it.
Smethma, Baritone,
Thank you both for taking the time to post....it is so encouraging to get positive feedback on our endeavours.
Apologies to all for the ongoing improvements....we well get there!! Both Michael the gardener and Peter the fixer of all things broken and grubby are doing a fantastic job (as is Mummy Joy who has been roped in) - thanks to you all. It is hard work but all worth it in the end.
All we need now is a fantastic British summer......
P & F
Had the honour of meeting Paul last night and it's official I've found my new local!! It really is such a friendly atmosphere and how i can't wait till the serve food, I wont want to leave
No doubt about it, P and F are trying really hard to get this pub to be a pub where the beer is reliably great and the chat is sober, funny and reasonably polite. Allready the changes they've implemented have made a difference, and they need to be congratulated and encouraged to continue on this excellent path. My question is this, will those penny-pinching bean counters with no imagination really invest a little more in the pub now? Their track record inspires me not a lot. Agree with magnumpi about the music, cancel all gigs please.
PietroBartello007, wealdman and localpub77 - thank you all for taking the time and trouble to post on Beer in the Evening - it really is greatly appreciated.
Felicity and I are settling in very nicely and having an amazing time at the Jolly. We have a way to go yet to get our local back to its former glory but we are on the right track and things can only continue to improve.
It is really encouraging to see so many 'new' faces and welcome back the Jolly Farmer's wanderers.
Thank you all.
Well done & thanks Paul & Felicity you're definitely turning the JF around . The Beer & the overall feel of the pub has improved significantly & some of us old regulars are starting to drift back , the word is spreading round that you are bringing the Jolly back to it's former glory as a real community pub again.
Thanks for your efforts thus far --like many others i'm spreading the good news. You've stopped the 'ROT' & The Jolly is becoming a real local pub again many of us were very concerned that it could have become just another Weybridge building plot !!!!!
Much improved - well done.
Totally disagree with numpi about Sunday music, though.
This pub is now the best in Weybridge, a proper pub run by a proper publican in Paul Schofield and his wife Felicity who have turned it around in a very short time. The beer is kept in tip top nick (I highly recommend the Summer Lightning) and the staff are as friendly and welcoming as you will find any where. There aren't many real pubs left, thankfully this is one of them.
The Jolly is on the way back...still a bit to go. The beers are getting there. I have heard you are thinking about restarting the sunday music, this killed the Jolly last time.........so if you are serious about restoring the pub to its former glory Please think seriously about that one. Keep the good work going and I,m sure the wanders will return.
huntforbeer - thank you for taking the time to post....we are glad you found the Doom Bar acceptable, please be assured it will only get better!!
We are not looking to make any major changes, we are Jolly Farmer locals and have been for years. We can only hope to restore the pub to its former glory and make it the heart of the community once again.
We welcome any suggestions and constructive criticism.
Thanks again Paul and Felicity
Popped in on Bank Holiday Monday to see what changes,if any,the new licencees had made. Sadly,and despite the nice weather,there were only a handful of customers. The Doom Bar was excellent and reasonably priced for Weybridge. I do hope that the former punters return. The Farmer is one of the few proper pubs in Weybridge and I hope it prospers. I would not like to see it go the same way as The Mitre,but then again, the ghastly Grotto will not be missed.
Many thanks topdog2, we have had an engineer from the brewery visit today and have a technical specialist booked in this week to ensure that our ales are looked after and kept in optimum condition. We care about our ale drinkers and will restore the quality!
Good luck to you both.
Paul and Felicity would like to welcome you to the Jolly Farmer.
We take over as the new management team Monday 29th April 2013.
All are welcome to your friendly local (now run by friendly locals). Please pop in and see us!!
Landlord is a complete asshole. Watch your wife he will try and steal her.
Now numpty has gone the beer is back to its best, the question is will the beer drinkers now return?
What happens next.....we will see?
Good beer and food. Even the moaners have gone....
The beers have improved...keep the good work going.
The JF is always busy...it can't be that awful. Keep the good work up Colin.
@surreypubdrinker... I am getting a tad sick of your derogatory and unfounded comments. As for no diners on a Sunday, well you were obviously not there last Sunday when over 30 people had lunch and with regards to the hygiene of the kitchen, well feel free to ask the local council if they have any issues, because as of this morning they certainly had no issue with how we handle things at the Jolly.
The nature of your comments are cowardly quite frankly and it is obvious you have a personal problem with us which does leave me somewhat bemused of why you keep coming back.
I think that with 23 years experience in the trade we know the industry and recognize a genuine post rather then a vendetta towards the JF why keep drinking in there if it is so bad?Thanks to all the genuine customers who have supported Colin and the staff
Huntforbeer is on the money - in respect of this fine local. But rats like 'drinker' (8 negative posts in a year) will always criticise the JF and those who enjoy the place .
It seems huntforbeer was never a fan of Jim, but he has gone some 7 months, I'm more interested in the current landlord or lack of, as a local resident within walking distance, The Healy's have no idea about their pub and real ale..As for the rats huntforbeer they are back..not a good sign for the cleanliness of the kitchen etc..
My sons and I were fairly regular patrons of this pub until about a year ago, when we decided we could no longer put up with the endless noisy pontifications of "Jim the Gob" We have read with interest the endless stream of critical posts which have followed the change of ownership,so with some trepidation we ventured in last Saturday,with a plan B in mind if it really was as awful as appears to be the case from reading this site. Much to our suprise the beer was perfect-two pints of Doom Bar,followed by two pints of Ringwood Best-all properly pulled and crystal clear. The landlord seemed affable and although we did not eat the menu appeared astonishingly cheap. I sincerely hope there is no underlying motive for the barrage of critical posts which seem totally unjustified from our experience. I would urge any doubters to return-this is one of the few remaining proper pubs in Weybridge and it would be sad to see it lost. For the avoidance of doubt I confirm that this is a genuine post-I am a regular contributor to BITE and I had never even heard of the Healy Group until I read of them on this site.
Yes weald - many on this site seem to have a vendetta and can't cope with a different/positive view on this pub. They have to resort to ridicule, attacks and accusations of us posters who think there are more good things about the JF, than bad. But we are not serious beer drinkers and have vested interests, etc.
Those who disagree with surreypub have a vested interest! I don't, but like her/him, I have an opinion and a choice - whether to use this pub or not. I choose the former. The latter should be the obvious choice of surreypub and the articulate enough said. Instead of whinging.
Wine sales must be up ! Enough said !
Wealdman..vested interest, the beer in not right and as for the Sunday roast..haha. If it were excellent there would be people dining in the pub...
Not serious beer drinkers? - type for yourself m8! The beer is fine at the JF; will be in there tonight for a gallon or so - and for the excellent Sunday lunch.
Sorry but those who think the beer is good at the JF, you cannot be serious beer drinkers.The owners need to either get the manager really trained up on keeping real ales,or replace him!!!.
Even the darts team have left....!
Even BA's website is dated, nogs. The JF is a good local which I enjoy - good beer and an excellent Sunday roast. But as gander typed, not perfect - few pubs are, these days.
If the Healey group are actively monitoring the comments about the JF perhaps they might take the trouble to update teh pub details as they are way out of date and incorrect e.g Brewery not HopBack, Richard & Jayne left ages ago, no wi-fi - or is it true that they really dont care !
Put simply, a pleasant place with good beers - like most pubs, not perfect.
You on the white stuff again, bright m8?
Well, well, well. Would this be one of three pubs you run in Surrey then? What a t++t.
Just got here, near home. A lovely few quite beers, in a pleasant atmosphere. Weybridge needs the Jolly......
Had a few excellent beers in the Jolly over the weekend. Service was efficient; will be back. 7- rating is accurate.
Was in the not too distant past a JF regular ---------------- really would like to be again. Popped in last night ------ Beer virtually undrinkable ------- Manager gormless / useless ! Really not his fault ---wrong man ---wrong job ! Such a shame could be a superb local but will probably end up just another building site in the next few years. HELP --SOMEONE
I would like to concur with magnumpi.. on Saturday the dark haired bar girl's attitude and focus was appalling as was the Managers.. and the beer of very poor quality...please sort it out!
The JF in my opinion has improved,but the beers are still inconsistant, the manager needs to get this right. Some of his staff need to be more alert to customer needs, rather than playing with their mobile phones. Come on make the Jolly Jolly again.
There has been a lot said on various aspect of the JF, both good and bad. Could I just ask the simple request that somebody looks at the quality of the beer. It is all too often erratic in its quality. Sometimes it is good and at other times it is undrinkable. This is meant as constructive criticism, as I would like the JF to be the place where everybody knows you will be able to get a good quality pint of beer.
Pleasant pub with friendly staff and locals - and good beer. Still attracts complainers, like a lady who thinks the food is too cheap and a failed barman.
This pub has really gone down hill. Whilst it's good to no longer having to suffer the over bearing voice of the previous manager, the ale which was the main attaction to this establishment is now pretty much undrinkable!
healy7 is correct. This is a pub review site and not a forum to discuss a private dispute. tmich is miffed he didn't get a job; so what? Looking at his vindictive comments, he doen't deserve one. BTW, the pub is now a pleasure to visit: I'll be having lunch there today.
The last review contains complete untruths and inaccurate info,Please accept that sometimes there is reasons behind decisions and Colin is doing a good job of managing. Please don't use this forum when I have already spoken personally to you and offered compensation which you declined.
I too have reason to dislike the set up at the Jolly Farmer, one month ago I applied to a company who were advertising for Pub Managers, Marion Healy got in touch with me and called me to Farnborough for an interview. I drove over 200 miles each way, all went well and I was all but offered the Jolly Farmer there and then. �Go and have a look, try a pint and let me know what you think. If it�s ok you can start in two weeks time� she said. I had a look, loved the pub and thought what great things I could do there, but the beer was lousy (Summer Lightning, lines need either cleaning or replacing), and phoned back. Then phoned back the following day, and the day after. � After a week of no responses I decided to email her to see what was going on. Her answer was slightly apologetic in as much as she owned up to having no control over that pub as she and her husband were at loggerheads over the business and it would be down to him, not her! Thanks a bunch eh! 440 miles to an interview for a job which doesn�t exist, no explanation, no comeback. Just a cup of coffee. This is no way to run a business and I can only wish you all the best of luck in prying the lease away and either getting someone else in or running it yourselves.
The comments on the JF seemed to have slowed down a bit recently. Is this just because we're all resigned to the fact that nothing is going to change and it isnt going to get any better ! Its a shame as this place has a great local following and has been & can be again a great place to go. Tried a small taster of the Summer Lightning again last night and it really is undrinkable - once again a shame as that was one of the good things about the JF !
1959, the answer is simple. If you don't like the staff, customers, service, music and atmosphere - don't go in! And you're the first person EVER I saw moaning about the food being cheap; most people on this site talk/type about pub food being far too expensive.
Hi there 1959vivshakes
According to croydonpeer and tradervic I am your alter ego.
By the way, I am a He.
Here's hoping things in the JF improve.
I have just read with interest that the person "tradervic" has stated that my comments have been "reported" to b.i.t.e. along with another reviewers. On what grounds may I ask? Isn't the whole idea of this site to write honest reviews about pubs for others to see? Yes, I am new to this site and yes, In my opinion I experienced poor service on the occasions I visited this particular pub. As yet I have not reviewed any others, but what's your point with this? I have not been at all slanderous about this establishment. I was annoyed by the quality of service I and felt I needed to put it into words. If you were to receive poor, or good service for that matter in a pub or restaurant and you found a useful way to voice your opinions, wouldn't you do what I'm doing now? To reiterate my opinions from my own experiences : A) The food at the time we visited was cheap and of poor quality B) The cook was rude and offhand which was entirely unnecessary, given that we were not in any hurry for our food and were completely patient and pleasant with him. Shouldn't it work both ways...? C) There were many clientele there later on on the evening we visited who we found to be undignified and obnoxious, making the feel of the place uncomfortable and unwelcoming. D) The live music WAS awful E) One comment I read called me a he and I'm a she! or is this site only for real ale drinking blokey blokes... If you simply don't like my review and wish to report it, then please go ahead. It makes no odds to me and I make no apology for it. It just makes the whole idea of this website completely pointless.
It's all about the beer... which is not good.
in here now, no wifi or heelies, seems ok
Peer - 'WE should be suspicious' gives the game away by this blatant multi-name poster. Its an old trick, but sad and boring and top/1959 has been reported to BITE. IMO, the Jolly Farmers is an average boozer, nothing more, nothing less and, no, I have no interest in it except for its well kept beer on the way home.
I have no idea who you are, nor do I care.
Just because somebody is new to BITE you automatically assume this is another member having another account. Why are you so concerned that this is a conspiracy? Do you think that you are only allowed to put good comments on this site? Why the personal reply when somebody puts an honest comment. Do you have some personal interest in the Jolly Farmer? I think it is you who we should be suspicious of !!!! Please let me know how you had food at the Jolly Farmer on a Saturday night when they don�t serve food at night!
Yes, I have numpi. The food was Sunday lunchtime (hic). You don't say anything about the place though; on the fence, like topdog, drinker and 1959?
Dear croydonpeer, have you really been to the JF ? only I have been useing it for many years and have never known food to be served on on any night let alone saturdays?????
Topdog (1959?), another newly joined BITE member - here to put down the Jolly! Clearly, a conspiracy is starting....
I know nothing about the Jolly's history and care less. Neither do my friends, most new regulars at this well run venue. New posters (and 'dinker' - who barely posts about anywhere else) obviously have a second agenda.
Positve posts are greeted with accusations of being employed by the Healys (whoever they might be); the overall rating of 6/7 is accurate.
Ignoring all the history of this pub you cannot get over the fact that this is a very poor excuse for a local pub. The most important part of a pub (being a beer drinker) is the quality of the beer. The beer in the Jolly Farmer is of a very poor quality and one has to wonder if the person in charge has any idea of how to keep a good ale. The service in this pub is absolutely atrocious. I could go into detail, but it would take too long to write down all the problems with the service. There are not may pubs left in Weybridge and the owners of the Jolly Farmer need to act urgently and get somebody in to run this pub the way any decent pub should be run or this will be the next pub to close.
Well, I don't know the healys! However, I see that drinker again makes the Cask Marque point and again has a pop at Colin. As usual, we had a most pleasant experience in the Jolly on Saturday night - good food and beer. As mentioned before, bias (and an inability to see/accept the views of others) appears rampant in Weybridge.
The last 2 posts are from people that are either employed by the healys or have never been in a decent pub, The Jolly Farmer is no longer 'Jolly' even the staff are becoming sour faced like their leader (haha) Colin. As for the Cask Marque badge on here and the front of the pub... well that is a lie...
1959 berates the food, staff, music and even the customers - in his only post! An axe to grind? I think so. This pub has a nice feel to it.
New to Weybridge and the JH - I make my own mind up about pubs. And, I found this to be a most pleasant place and have to wonder if some previous posters bear grudges; there's no doubt that 1959 is biased and OTT. I found the beer, service quality and food to be first class and will continue to requent the JF regularly. It may (!) have a history, but who cares.....
There are one or two good pubs left in Weybridge. Sadly though, "good" is certainly not a word I would use to describe the Jolly Farmer. On a Friday lunchtime it is -only just about- bearable as a place to go for a -very- quick drink, just so long as you don't order any food... Scampi and Chips clearly comes straight from a frozen packet and is plonked in front of you by an unhappy and rather rude overweight man passing himself off as a Chef. "You'll have to get your own cutlery!!!" Charming. If you're unfortunate enough to venture in there on a Saturday night though as I was with a friend recently, the whole atmosphere takes on a turn for the worse and goes downhill rapidly. It became seedy and unwelcoming. A small core of obnoxious, undignified customers, presumably all regulars, soon replaced the slightly more "normal" customers. A mindless rabble. The incredibly poor and amateurish quality of the live music did little to lift our spirits and we felt so uneasy with the whole experience, we left. A night out wasted. Utterly depressing.
Once again it shows that the Healys are more concerned about this blog site than about the actual pub by leaving Colin in charge.. As for the Cask Marque sign outside well that is laughable to say the least.. bye bye Jolly.
Can anyone explain why all recent comments have been removed ?
The recent reports on this pub have been removed-Redacted or censored? As a former patron I was enjoying the litany of complaints following the "demise" of Jim Phipps.
It would also a better pub without music every bloody saturday night.
This pub has plummeted in quality sine Jim "left"!! It used to be my local but �3.60 for Doombar that is so bad that if you drink it you are ill for 2-3 days!! Is not good. Golden Keg really need to get a decent manager as soon as possible before the land owners have the place tue=rned into flats!!
Friday night...what a nightmare. Three or four of the real ales out of action at once. At least 10 to 15 people waiting at the bar to be served.... to say it was a shambles is an understatement. The standards have really dropped recently...........
What is happening to this Pub??? It used to be the best in the area now it as gone way way down!. The beers are not right(to many guest beers). It is not as welcoming as it used to be......I could go on,but whats the point!!!.
This pub is now the first choice for the lover of real ale in the entire 5 mile radius. Shhhh ....I don't want it to get too crowded ! Very well kept Doom Bar and Tribute and a good turnover of guest ales. Jim is justifiably proud of his cellar and the proof is in the beer. Very reasonable weekday lunches and I've heard the Sunday roast is very good, but the kitchen is not huge so I expect they struggle to meet demand from time to time. Still, a triumph for individualism and, in summary, the ideal drinker's pub with high standards (no headgear).
Cracking little boozer, but the Chef.. hissy fits every sunday we have been in always running out of food.. don't bother eating, it's not worth the grief!
I don't think I've ever heard anyone with a louder laugh than Jim Phipps,which is unfortunate in such a small pub. I presumed (wrongly) that he would get the old tin tack after the rat convictions.
In here on 23 Jan. Doom Bar, Ringwood BestLandlord and a turned around Surrey Hills Shere Drop. Decent enough attractive looking pub.
What a lovely Chocolate Box picture of a pub - and at this time of year very Christmassy! Very impressed with the selection of ales and staff attentiveness. Food is available during the day and listening to the banter it is a lovely local tucked away that welcomes new and old customers from near and far. Have definitely found my favourite pub for 2011!!!
The Jolly seems to be going from strength to strength in these times of austerity.. the pub may be a bit worn.. but the beer is second to none.
Funny little place.
The beer is usually in top quality condition which of course is the main thing. But.....for some reason the hand towels in the gents are permanently trapped in the dispenser like some kind of frozen mammoth and the regulars are a bit odd. Not eye spy strangers or anything just a gang of old soaks. Oh and the carpet is well passed its use by date.
The landlord also thinks he's god's gift to inn keeping. He's not. If he was he wouldn't be running a grubby little pub like this.
It�s an honest drinkers pub and it doesn�t pretend its anything else. Which these days is a very refreshing change!
I like it.
A relaxed and friendly pub with well kept beers. Ringwood Best on tap, fantastic.
Jolly pub - suitable for older people especially.
Visited The Jolly Farmer for the first time yesterday evening in our quest for a new pub following the closure of The Queens Head. It is a proper pub-beer a bit pricey,but excellent-we shall return.
Mr. Big Wibble says someone should give the grumpy bar maid a kiss, it might cheer her up a bit.
Good to see Jim back...
went for a sunday meal but was put off by screaming babies in the bar.We hope this is not the norm for this pub, we will try again in a few weeks time.
Mr. Big Wibble says this place has gone as quiet as the Jolly.
I have not been in this pub for over 6months so I popped in a few days ago and found nothings changed. the 2 book ends at either end of the bar were still there, the beers not bad, there were some loud roudies. I still think this pub has gone down hill.
Mr. Big Wibble says let Mr. Nogs and Mr. Giveitarest post again.
Imissbisciut- if you think that prioces go up just to make extra profit then you are very much mistaken Why would any business increase prices during a recession. This would clearly damage sales. Prices go up because of a number of reasons but mainly because the breweries put up prices due to increases in tax and vat. You may of noticed that prices did not go up after the 1st of January after a vat increas and instead was swallowed by the retailer.
Mr. Big Wibble says bring back the old prices.
Prices up again, how much profit do you need to make!
Dear Mr Big Wibble, if I could delete you from this site I would. You are a right pain, please could you frequent another pub and leave this one alone. Nogs was right it is time for you to move and and get a life. Unpleasant people are not welcome at the Jolly Farmer.
Mr. Big Wibble says will Mr. Beerbum2 buy Mr. Big Wibble a pint as well because Mr. Big Wibble doesn't think Mr. Nogs will buy Mr. Big Wibble a pint?
Apologies beerbum2 - this was not aimed at you !
I'm sure that all the JF regulars (and even non-regulars) would agree that what Mr_big_wibble 'says' is neither relevant or useful in any way for this forum. In fact it's become utterly ridiculous & idiotic so do us all a favour and just give it up ! Just look at the place on most evenings, especially Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays - it speaks for itself with the numbers of people who now frequent the JF. In true childish style I'm sure that another 'says' comment will follow soon but it will only go to prove my previous points - ridiculous & idiotic ! Move on & get a life !
Mr. Big Wibble doesn't drink cider!
Mr. Big Wibble says bring back the old posts.
The Jolly Farmer has been saved from oblivion - well done Jim! Now bring on the steak sarnies in the evening!
Mr. Big Wibble says restore the old landlord.
For your attention Mr Wibble, this is the old sign. the orginal sign that has been restored.
The Farmer is finally "Jolly" hoorah!!!
Love the new sign!!!
Mr. Big Wibble says bring back Richard.
Just a quick note to say I think the Jolly Farmer has been rejuvenated by the new landlord. The Beer and atmosphere has definately improved, thought the toilets need attention. Hope the TV is only for the Rugby though.. and does not stay after that. Overall I think this pub is doing it right..
I have far too much to say about what used to be a pleasant pub to drink in but since the smarmy landlord called Jim has taken over it has gone considerably down hill - need I say more !!!!!!
I think to those of you who have been so critical of the Jolly Farmer I would say when did you last go into another pub in Weybridge. If you believe that Jim is letting rough people in then I would suggest that you go on a pub crawl of Weybridge on a Saturday afternoon/evening and then come back to beer in the evening and revise your comments. The regulars of the JF have been very fortuntate over the years to have been sheltered from the so called rif raf of Weybridge. Pubs are made up of all kinds of people and the mix in the JF is generally very good and not at all rough. Jim is trying hard to make the pub a pleasant place. Also, I would like to point out that no one can worked 24/7, Jim is entitled to time off like the rest of us. Please don't destroy the pub and Jim with your comments go drink elsewhere if you find it that unpleasant.
I have left it a while before I posted a comment on here - but to all our friends we miss you. I just wanted to say a few words to friends and foe and I start with friends as they are obviously more important..... thank you so much for your support in the short time we run the jolly... we miss you... i can not mention names but you know who you were!!!! I do miss the JF and it will continue to have a special place in both our hearts. We both learn't alot and we made some friends that will stay with us forever. Rich and I are now running a pub in Kent - its very different from the JF - sorry to be rude to the foe but they are not stuck up their own arse! and I am only rude because its now time to come to the foe.... we have left!!!!!! so please leave it.... I had to read some very personal comments on this site which were very upsetting and I tried to get them removed but obviously this site is not monitered in anyway. We may not have fitted into the JF for everyone but ask the families, the Sunday roast crew and of course everyone with our four legged friends..... at least we did not have swearing and the food was pretty good altough Jim I take my hat off to you mate......... I think you have really done a great job.... and Rich was the one that let all the rift raff in apparently. I just want to add one more thing.... we spent 24/7 in the JF, we gave it our all but it just was not good enough...... thank god we are in pub that appreciates us now.
I think Jim is a very nice guy but he has been allowing in some of the more unsavoury characters in the area. I have never seen some much drunkeness in the JF before and some of the language leaves a lot to be desired. People who are quite obviuosly very drunk continue to be served. It is not all about profit.
Landlord Jim Phipps has, in the opinion of the majority of faithful regulars, saved The Jolly Farmer from the Knackers' Yard. His excellent, experienced and attentive staff are only marginally less pleasant than the superb real beers he sells to the discerning punter. He runs a tight ship and any problems, pastoral or otherwise, are dealt with with a quiet but firm hand and firm policy. I recommend the JF to anyone who likes a good opint in a congenial atmosphere. On Sunday Evenings the JF hosts the exclusive and top secret society known as The Sunday Club which decides on all matters of world importance. Even West Ham supporters have been known to join!
Theres something fishy about ladypimms comments!!! sounds concocked to me. The is jolly is good ...but not that good.
I recently stumbled upon this pub and absolutely loved it! So traditional, not a TV in sight although I have heard that they are putting in one just for the 6 Nations Rugby tournament! Will definitely be visiting again in the summer to enjoy a good wine in the lovely garden. Although, I did not order any food, I did look at the menu and did not find it's prices bad at all considering that it is fresh and some produce is locally sourced.
No Food at the Inn? Last Sunday lunchtime called in with the family, two advertising boards promising food outside. Inside, no landlord, no cook, no bread and could not even get a sandwich! Jim - some know he is the new Landlord/Manager! Where is he? During this holiday period the opening hours were very limited, hardly a meeting place for locals or visitors! Does Jim really want to run a "local" pub? Happy New Year!!
i recently had a buffet at the jolly farmer,i had called in advance to book tables for approx 18 people and was told by the landlord that this was no problem at all. i asked for sandwhiches and chips enough for all of the above. when we arrived we had our drinks on a bar tab, we were presented with 3 trays of sandwhiches and 6 bowls of chips( i add in soup bowls). i have too admit everything was superb except the bill !!!!!!!!!!!!. shock horror i was charged �70 for the sandwhiches and chips. i have since heard the landlord is well known for his saying of this is weybridge people will pay that....... well im sorry to say you have lost some very good customers due too your'e attitude.�70 i must say is well above what i expected to pay considering we purchesed drinks as well. from what i have been told you certainly overcharged this time and lost custom due to greed
get down to the jolly the atmosphere is great , merry christmas Jim and keep it going
I was a regular at the Jolly for many years, a real 'local' old country pub with a relaxed welcoming atmosphere, pretty and friendly bar staff and well kept ales. I made many friends there over the years with other local and would meet 2-3 times a week. However, it was a sad day for me when Dave and Sue left. Although Dave could be an aquired taste, he and Sue knew how to run a good pub and to a high standard. All changed when Richard took over, he was a square peg in a round hole, and encouraged any old riff raff. He had no idea at all...beers were often off, he was intoxicated on a few occasions and often rowed with his partner in front of customers. Needless to say I, and most other regulars, went elsewhere When we heard he had left, we ventured back and immediatly welcomed by Jim, clearly just the right person for the Jolly, anxious to please and open to customers needs and suggestions. I am sure he will do well...Good luck Jim
i have been too the jolly farmer on many occasions and disagree with your comments on the food.My husband and i had a meal 2 weeks ago with 6 friends. our impression was that the pub had improved under new ownership and the new variety of ales was very good. The roast being offered that day was beef and chicken, the beef was absolutley cooked just right and the chicken was not all bone there was a lot of meat on it. for the price we all thought it was very good value for money... keep up the good work..
Unfortunately, more recently it seems that the 'good' beer attitude has depleted somewhat, particularly at the beginning of the week (Mondays- Wednesdays). When the landlord is not around there seem to be more beers that are 'off' than 'on' with nobody available to change the barrels
Iam sorry to say I agree with william, we have dined at the jolly and to food was not good. The pub itself is friendly and welcoming.
This is a great pub to come too if you like your beer - with the beers being well kept and interesting. The garden is also very good for sitting out in on a nice summer's day (and is enclosed so would be good for kids). The food we had on a Sunday lunchtime wasn't great, however, being a bit over cooked. There are lots of decent places to eat nearby - so I'd come for the drinks then eat elsewhere if you don't want to be disappointed.
The service is great - with the bar staff being friendly and jovial but not overly so.
Well done Jim for replying, you are doing a great job. You are the most popular landlord that JF has had for a long time. Keep up the good work and ignore the idiots that put such negative comments on this website.
I know you do not do Northern Ales now - I was refering to past landlords not having the choice.
Come on you lot give Jim a chance, as he says hes only been there a month and things have certainly improved. As to imissbiscuit comment about drunkeness and trouble I am sure Jim will sort this out. Keep it going Jim...
To you all, I have been the landlord for a month now, and believe that progress is being made, I do not stock northern ales? Adnams is from Suffolk, Rinwood is from Dorset and St Austells is from Cornwall, I have just re-introduced Summer Lightning from the Hopback Brewery. As for my spirit and wine selection, please do talk to me at the bar and we will try to find a happy ground for price and choice. As for stock control, there was an issue with 2 products. Last saturday was an experiment that will not be repeated, but I have to look at ways of increasing trade so that the business is viable. Please do not hesitate to put your concerns to me directly, I cannot please all of the people all of the time.. but will endeavour to please as best as I can. Jim
Of course you can't change the spirits but you do need some tonic or orange juice to go with it and stock control is definately an issue! And regarding the ales - northern brewery means little selection of anything except northern ale!
The pub has been pretty good since Jim took over, he seems a very likeable person but I was in the pub last night and was appalled. There were people who were too drunk to stand up, women being sick etc. I really thought that there was going to be some trouble, so I left early. Jim must get control of this very quickly or it could get out of hand with every PNG in the area using the pub.
Ummm. I agree you could change the wines; but how would you change the spirits, gin is gin and vodka is vodka. Of course the past landlords had a choice about the ales, they just chose not to. Why not tell Jim what you want.
Its just a shame that past landlords did not have any choice about the ales being tied to the brewery. Its great news for all the ales drinkers though - but please don't forget those that drink wine and spirits please - not such a great start here.
Hope to see you back in the Good Beer Guide soon! We've been using the JF for well over a decade and have seen many ups and downs (mainly ups). The beer quality since Jim has been in charge is fabulous, it's not often you see 9 out of 10 pints filled with ale these days - that says something.
Ales last night were, Adnam's Best, Butcombe Gold, Ringwood Best, Adnam's Broadside & St. Austell Tribute.
No connections with the pub other than a long standing happy customer. Cheers!
New Management and a great improvement on the atomosphere. Also a cheerful welcome and good beer. Well done Jim.
Im very happy you are pleased Zany but i do feel that your previous comment is a bit harsh. I am an area manager for the Healy Group and am bewildered why you are attacking us as a company. We have tried our hardest to keep the pub the same as it was before with little disruption caused. Taking over pubs that have failed is not easy and from time to yime you do have to make changes. How ever this has not been the case with the jolly farmer. I am interested to know why you feel like this and would apreciate it if you could contact me on my email. dhealybusiness@yahoo.co.uk
Jim the new landlord as been in charge now for just over a week, and I must say well done Jim. The beer is coming up better there are more staff so you do not have to wait ages to get served, and I have noticed some of the old regulars are coming back. Keep it up Jim...
Here's to a new landlord.. let the good times roll
This is a great little boozer or should I say was a great little boozer until the Heally group got hold of it,they are not the least bit interested in the locals its all about money to them. What this pub needs is a good independent landlord to keep it as it should be a great little boozer.
veritably ,i put it to you sir (or madame) that should you prefer to, if I may use an Aericanism, "shit-speak" the good people of the jolly in such a fashion. take heed of the following. I am willing to bet my fancy that you are possibly the folk that tried to gain entrance the other evening wearing nought but your flammable sport attire. Please refrain from your idlemindedness.
One of the last genuine pubs in the area. A distinct lack of chavs and tossers. Good beer and a fantastic sunday roast. Weekday lunch also spot on. Only slated by those of immense ignorance due their lack of stable mind. UP THE JOLLY.
What this pub needs is someone at the helm who is interested in the taste of the beer and its unceasing supply to us. On neither count has this landlord convinced me that he knows what he is doing. Also, I want whoever is serving me to look me in the eye when I'm given the change. That never happens! I just don't think the current guy is cut out for this job. Its more than just about working hard, its also about a "feeling" or an "understanding" about beer and pubs and the pubs' social life. I've tried to find something positive to say about this place and it has to be "the flowers in the front look nice".
Well, Disappointed 123456, I have moved on to drink elsewhere and no, not disappointed on the cronie front.
Why not go and drink somewhere else then? Most Landlords/Managers' have their cronies, are you disappointed your not one of them?
After a succession of misfit managers and bar staff the pub does not improve. No wonder The Jolly Farmer has been christened The Grim Reaper - just look at the pub sign outside! What it needs is a more local approach with a person running it who has an interest in the pub lifestyle and its customers. Also a person who works behind the bar welcoming customers rather than drinking and hobnobbing with his cronies.
Its really sad that people dwell on the past with pub life in general. Its a fact of life that time & people move on and things change. It doesnt matter how good or bad the current or previous staff/management have been or still are. As far as I 'm concerned its the people and the personalities who actually use the place (any pub !) which make it. Then if it's not to your liking you move on to somewhere else - so whats the problem. The JF has been for a long time and still is an intriguing den of all sorts and can be fun and can be tiresome but thats just the way it goes.
Well, the staff weren't all that desirable when Dave and Sue were at the JF, Rory was extremely miserable, unweloming and dow right rude to most people unless you were in his 'drinking crowd', Some of the female bar staff were crude with their contast sexual references and drank more than the punters. The beer is no more expensive than it was. As for favourites - doesn't this happen in most pubs. I agree it's not ideal, but please it's no worse than it was with Dave who had to have won medals for his rudeness and serving abilities. Please get real.
I have been a regular in this pub for many years and I have become increasingly concerned about the loss of many of the usual regulars since Dave and Sue left. I know Dave was not everyones "cup of tea" but I must say he did know how to run an efficient pub including how to treat and pay good staff. After a couple of temporary managers, Richard and Jayne are now in charge and things do not seem to be improving although they are trying new ideas. I think the main problem has been the loss of popular bar staff which has upset a lot of people who used the pub on a regular basis. I think the lesson to be learned by breweries and incoming managers alike is that do not make too many changes too quickly. Other concerns I have is that the beer is not always up to scratch and is quite expensive and Richard is not always as welcomng as he could be. There is also now a problem with "favourites". You must try and treat customers equally. I don`t know how you can get the old regulars to return maybe try to get some of the old staff back. The regulars are the life blood of this pub and need to be encouraged.
Lovely little pub in Weybridge with nice friendly locals and owners. The idiot complaining about this pub needs to stay down the local conservative club with his other misfit friends. This pub is welcolming, small with a great atmosphere and a good mixture of young and old to apeal to all punters. The garden is lovely which is so hard to find with pubs recently.
Enter this pub at your peril !! It servers beer. It may have a few people in there under the influence. Some people aren't as nice or as friendly as others. The bar staff may well indulge in a beverage after their own working hours. This seems like a fact of life to me! All heinous crimes surely! Seriously there is nothing wrong with this pub or anyone who frequents it, apart from one or two odd balls, maybe myself included!!!! I go there a lot for a quiet pint or two with my dog a friends. There is never any disturbances apart from laughter and enjoyment from all there. If you want loud music go to the Hogshead or whaterver it is now known as and get yourself into a fight and covered in teenage vomit, drink watered down beer and put up with the chavvy kids. If you want to watch soccer matches go to the Grotty, if you want rugby go to the POW or Queens Head which is where i to watch games. We all have choices and those choices are personal � LEO there is no need to make personal against those who can't defend themselves on public forums. Furthermore it it does not help. This pub servers good beer and food, is quiet and friendly and the staff and management are great. End of.
Perhaps its just as well that leojohnson has decided not to go to the Jolly Farmer and even better if he is encouraging his friends to go elsewhere - if they are all as rude as him/her is then good riddance to them all. Your comments are getting far too personal.
Great little pub with an eclectic bunch of locals, can�t fault the beer or the service. The new landlords, Richard and Jayne are very welcoming and working hard to introduce new services, without impacting all we like about a local pub. Wednesday night food specials are great value, couldn�t fault the Thai or the chilli. Without doubt a great local.
how can no one see the man is always drunk he puts on a good show to hide the fact, if he owns this place or the lease then it isn't going to last for long with richard drinking all the profits, i feel so sorry for that poor girl what the hell is she doing with such a man, if it were just Jayne then it would be a lovely pub. WHY????????????????????wont be going back anymore unless this landlord has gone and have told all my friends to avoid The Jolly Farmer
This pub is much better now the old landlord has gone AKA (the short angry eye squinter) the new landlord is a really nice chap, this pub has great atmosphere and good range of Beers, the customers are a nice friendly bunch also, but just keep an eye out for the bald chap in his skin tight jeans! he likes to grab ladys bottoms. also stay away from the little balding chap AKA (Dwarf Man) that keeps going on about different cures for baldness he will bore the mac jesus out of you! so thats my review get down there and enjoy a nice pint of your fancy just stay away from the caricatures as Mentioned. and one more thing BRING BACK NATALIE THE BAR GIRL.
A pub that I struggle to remember for some reason. Perhaps because there was nothing utterly remarkable about it. I would say its a haven for your middle aged man who likes a pint of real ale. (I'm not quite middle aged yet I can assure you). Places tend to be for young people or for middle aged people, Why can't there be a place for people in their late 20s?
have been back the atmosphere was better as the landlord and the woman (jayne i think her name is) wasn't around they really have an attitude with new people the bar staff are quite friendly when they are not about was a nice experience this time. Really can't understand why Richard is in the pub trade he has no idea how to treat people. Will go back if they aren't around.
'Richard and Jayne welcome you to the Jolly Farmer'. All that can be said about this comment is Jayne does but Richard doesn't. Please try to be nicer to your customers.
Having said this they are making a success of introducing new things to the pub, music, bbq's etc., as it did need a little bit of life injected into it. But still keeping it as a local's pub.
have visited The Jolly Farmer twice now and the food isn't as good as its cracked up to be, the children policy is also very false as they are not welcome at all by the staff or the landlord and the woman i think may be a bar maid or his partner who have a real attitude problem he/ she only likes who they like and not new customers. I will try once more thennever again.
The person who called the landlord a "snappy dresser" was obviously under the influence of the excellent Old Thumper, 49er or both. The beer in this pub is about as good as it gets & now that Dick (by nature not name) has gone hopefully we will get to see more of the Jolly barmaids who make this such a fine pub. Richard the new landlord is very pleasant even if he has the legs of a fledgling sparrow, and his partner Jayne is very friendly. The locals are excellent company apart from John the leg, who is a grumpy old gitt! and don't be supprised to witness heated debates over obscure subjects such as "why can't you buy turkey eggs?" and "who is the current hangman?" Improvements? bring back Joe & Nichola on Friday nights and lower the price of the beer. All in all a good place to dwell and yes small as well as large children are now welcome.
After a little research, we discovered that the jolly farmer staff sometimes turn away people at the door if they come with children, even quiet well-behaved ones. According to "Rory" this policy applies "whenever we feel like it". Please be warned !
What a snappy dresser the landlord is with his 2-tone shirt ! Great pub though - always have a good giggle in there - cheers
I was quite shocked to read the comment from Mr Mouse. I have been drinking in the Jolly Farmer for five years and I know that the past landlord did not like children particularly but Richard and Jayne who have just taken over are welcoming children with open arms. I know they will be very disappointed that staff turned them away. So please do not let this comment stop you from coming to my friendly local - it has a warming atmosphere and a great family garden ready for the summer.
I turned up last sat evening with my wife and quiet, sleepy 1-yr-old. We got turned away at the door "because we don't have children in here". They obviously didn't went our trade so 10 of our chums already in there drank up and left. We went to the Old Crown in Weybridge where we were made much more welcome. So be warned : Jolly Farmer is unwelcoming and complacent. I won't be sorry if they go bust with an attitude like that !
Richard and Jayne would like to welcome you to the Jolly Farmer. This website will shortly be updated when we join Beer in the Evening but until then just a few things about the Jolly Farmer experience. We are open Monday to Thursday 11am-3pm, 5.30pm-12am, Friday & Saturday 11am - 12am and Sunday 12pm-12am. We serve a varied lunch menu Monday to Friday with daily specials so whether you fancy a sandwich or a homemade curry we can deliver. At weekends we serve from 12pm-4pm with a traditinal roast with all the trimmings on Sunday. The Jolly Farmer is not for those wanting pub games and football..... please come and enjoy the atmosphere, real ales (we have 5 on tap), good wine, read of the provided newspapers, good food and most of all the conversation. Our friendly bar staff are waiting to serve you and we look forward to seeing you soon.
It's sad that Hop back Ales have now gone. However, with Marston's/W&D's aquisition of Ringwood, how about some southern beer again - served without sparkler like the Hop back used to be?
But the bad news is that Dave has been forced by the new owners (Marston's I believe) to stop selling any Hop Back beer. So no more Summer Lightning. Do not be fooled by the Hop Back pub sign which is a hangover from previous times.
anonymous - 25 Jun 2007 11:18 |
The good news is that in the last few months the landlord has lightened up a bit - and even been known to crack a joke. And he's improved the music from the seemingly endless modern jazz to a more varied and tuneful mix.
Apart from Dave (who is improving - see above) and Rory until he's had a few scotches, the bar staff are consistently excellent - very pleasant, industrious and quick. And the girls are all good looking too!
Nice food, if a little pricey.
Overall a very good cosy pub.
anonymous - 17 Jun 2007 11:41 |
Old fashioned pub with no riff raff - perfect! Wel lept ale and nice food.
nice little pub with good selection of very well kept ales, nice staff if a little nervous of the slightly rigid landlord, definitely not a place to be caught swearing and don't expect to drink your bottled beer from anywhere except a glass as it's the rules, along with no hats :o) this pub operates on the old "country hours" closing in the afternoon...
having said that a nice sized secluded beer garden for the summer, and a cozy little bolt-hole for the winter months. used to spend a lot of time in there and still go for a bit of seclusion as it's a little hidden away behind the cricket green
We popped back here having not been in here for years. Immediately impressed by the line-up of real ales in this Free House: Summer Lightning, Banks's, a couple of different Jennings beers, and so on. Very friendly and efficient service at the small bar. A few free tables to sit at inside and plenty more outside, front and back. Great ambience with its impressive display of toby jugs; we shall definitely return.
A lovely setting for a lunchtime pint, or four,or five. Bright but still cosy, plenty of staff for such a tiny bar. When we materialised there was (supping from left to right): Hop Back Odyssey, Lightning, Youngs Deuchars IPA, StAustell Tribute, Harveys IPA. Summer Lightning was in particularly good nick (Lewis).
This is the best local in the world. Few pleasures in this world can rival a stolen hour spent reading the paper and enjoying a peerless pint of Summer Lightning.
Jolly, but not as jolly as the British Volunteer. Definitely an older persons pub, if you are looking to find people to lecture about contemporary music, you are wasting your time. Owned by Hop Back, brewers of the award-winning Summer Lightning, so well worth going for a pint.
Will2 - 18 Sep 2005 19:50 |
Quite a mature person's pub. Decent range of drinks, very interestingly decorated place, friendly enough atmosphere for sure. Fair to say that this place is rather JOLLY as the name suggests
Been drinking in this pub for some years now. Was good before the current landlord took over, no chance of a good day or thankyou from him, not even a smile!
Recently put the price of a pint of Hop Back Summer Lightning upto �2.80 from �2.45 over night! This pub was owned by Hop Back!
My local in Shepperton, charges �2.55 for the same pint and isn't own by the brewery, figure that!
Food is ok but very small portions.
Staff OK, but LANDLORD....No personality.
No longer drink in there.
Not a bad pub at all. Nice garden and wide selection or quirky real ale and single malts. Could be livlier though.
Gordon - 17 Aug 2004 11:44 |
My mate Harper drinks there on his own quite a lot and loves it. But he drinks anywhere. That said, always friendly and decent bitter.
A country pub in suburbia. A rare outlet for the excellent Hopback Ales.
Chris - 26 Dec 2003 05:54 |
Ahhhh. Many a cosy winters night spent in here enjoying a few excellent pints of Summer (and Winter) Lightning. If you're looking for the best pint in Weybridge - it's in here.
Rob - 12 Sep 2003 08:32 |
This pub is nothing when Dan Martin isn't working in it. Great ploughmans though even if I was sat on a very low stool.
Scott Baker - 2 Sep 2003 22:26 |
A cheeky little boozer frequented by drinkers from all backgrounds. Interesting ales as well as the standard lagers and stouts. It also has an interesting Scotch selection. Not a sampling office one would visit if looking for loud music and groups of birds but non the less still not shy of talent. Decent pub group. All in all - decent pub for a good drink.
Adam - 18 Jul 2003 14:56 |
This pub is excellent. The food is very good and reasonably priced and the beer is the best for miles. Lovely garden in the sun, although a bit olde worlde inside. Best pub in Weybridge by a long country mile.
anonymous - 9 Apr 2003 11:12 |
Brilliant pub - Summer Lightning on draught has had me in bits on more than one occasion.
Olly - 11 Dec 2002 13:05 |
Small, local pub in Weybridge, Surrey. Near to the local cricket green. Nice cosy pub, serves fantastic ales, and great food. Also has a nice garden for the summer.
Chris Phillips - 24 May 2002 15:30 |