No longer a Wetherspoons but similar style of pub. Decent beer and friendly.
Much improved range of Real Ales at a good price. Well kept and served with care.
Good Spoons. Had an excellent pint of Yeovil Ales BST with my steak & kidney pudding. The service was efficient and fast. Well worth dropping in if you're in town. Recommended.
called in this afternoon and had two pints one fruggles, and mc rory's irish stout both at a great price of �1.99
Decent Spoons. Rudgate Ruby Mild, Brewsters Decadence and Daleside Old Leg Over as well as the usuals
Yet another scruffy JDW pub, understaffed, a joke of a place with lots of drunken chavs and scoats alike. The rest are is all ruled by fear and is also a complete sham.
n8wrx - 18 Jun 2009 21:04 |
Typical Wetherspoons with the usual range of guest beers and food. One of the better pubs in the town, though, and always worthwhile dropping in at any time.
Nothing special 4 a spoons but still worth a cheap ale,7/10
Full of work shy, parasitical losers, with nothing better to do than get rat arsed on a daily basis at the tax payers expense.
Busy town centre pub - well it would be at �1 a pint. Very busy at weekends and on match days. Stopping off point for Pools fans.