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Conway Hotel, Canton

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user reviews of the Conway Hotel, Canton

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

Trust me, Barry John. In weather like this, you do not need to use the hot air hand dryer.
Hulots_hat - 8 Jul 2018 23:22
I was cheered to see discreet notices, requesting that dog owners do not allow their dogs onto furniture and keep them close by at all times. They have generally not been a nuisance here, and I commend the steps taken to ensure that things remain that way.

This is in marked contrast to the Halfway round the corner, which increasingly resembles a kennels, with owners and their pets sprawled all over the furniture these days. You really wouldn't want to eat there, I don't think.
eddybeer - 29 Jun 2016 21:46
It's now a pretty lively gastropub, with good food and about four ever-changing real ales, having been made over quite thoroughly. The staff are very pleasant indeed.

The bar area has been retained as such, but is a rather awkward shape, so you'll sometimes trip over the odd inconsiderate customer's dog. There are the usual few territorial sots, and some rather up-themselves media types too, but all in all it's jolly good and vastly improved.
eddybeer - 31 Oct 2013 16:42
A pub with no soul living off its past glories, why it is still included in the good beer guide i do not know. It's dingy and the beer is often undrinkable. Worth going only in the summer for the excellently positioned beer garden. New management in the last week so fingers crossed.
acrylic - 6 Feb 2008 21:23
Dreadfull cheap power saving lights in the large lounge area,makes the place seem colder than it already is. Non ability to speak/understand Welsh puts one at a disadvantage hear too!
Andrew_Faber - 17 Nov 2006 14:28
Some of the bar staff let down this otherwise reasonable suburban boozer.
AdamAdamant - 17 Jul 2006 21:33
My folks' (and practially everyone they knows') local. Go here every time I'm at home, I dread to think how much money my family & relatives have put behind that bar. I've worked here (as has my brother, cousins and friend) and it's a bit chavvy now, but still friendly and not bad beer. Watch out for Simmo (red face, guitar, invariably drunk), or just join in, get drunk and sing long to (and with) the oldies but goldies. Smashing!
Libera - 24 Feb 2006 12:48

got anything to say about this pub?

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