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BITE user profile - wsjames

Profile information

Username: wsjames

Age: 64

Sex: ?

Latest comments by wsjames

The Crown, Charlton on Otmoor

A miracle that it survives! No food midday Sunday (hottest weekend of the year so far). In spite of "Good Food" notice outside, landlord says they never serve food. First attempt at pouring a pint was disastrous: well past it - cloudy vinegar. After changing the barrel, was unsurprisingly a little cloudy but, more worryingly, didn't seem particularly young either. Only one other couple there, who were clearlys staying nearby, and were treated unwelcomingly by the landlord. Perhaps it's better in the evening or in Winter, but don't bet on it.

5 Aug 2007 17:27

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wsjames has been registered on this site since 5th August 2007