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BITE user profile - vinylelisabeth

Profile information

Username: vinylelisabeth

Age: 70

Sex: female

Latest comments by vinylelisabeth

The John Logie Baird, Hastings

Dear Sonia and Tom,
You're all doing a damned good job at the John Logie Baird. Above all, thank you so much for accommodating 60 students from Austria and making their evening out an unforgettable one. In later years, they may not remember their excursions to Rye or Brighton, but they will remember our dinner at your restaurants. Also say a big thank you to your young and friendly staff. We really appreciated everything, the meals, the service, and the warm welcome.
Kurt Mocker, M.A., Austria

10 Apr 2007 21:06

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vinylelisabeth has been registered on this site since 5th April 2007