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BITE user profile - verycross

Profile information

Username: verycross

Age: 77

Sex: ?

Latest comments by verycross

The Roebuck, Hampstead

I have complicated sight problems a hearing problem and suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. My 22 year old foster son who has overcome enormous tragedies in this life met me on this pub balcony to celebrate his achievement in getting a recording contract. The woman at the bar was rude insolent agggressive and twisted words to a degree I found desperate. at first she refused to serve my boy because he was "a little boy" He is quite obviously mature and has nay tattoos which would imply an over 18 status.however he went home and got his passport.
she again refused to serve him because he was rude ans supposedly shouted. He did not shout nor was he rude. but when I attempted to resolve the issue this womn was sneering rude and offensive.
We went around the corner and ere served in the George immediately.
I do not anjoy being smirked at when explaining my level of disabilities

25 Sep 2009 21:28

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verycross has been registered on this site since 25th September 2009