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BITE user profile - vanwinkle1980

Profile information

Username: vanwinkle1980

Age: 44

Sex: male

Latest comments by vanwinkle1980

The Crown and Sceptre, Taunton

What A Turn Around - The guys running this placed have made one hell of a difference not only to the pub but to the B & B rooms and the Menu well what can I say amazing so glad that ellie and paul have moved here After being forced to move as the Malt n Hops was sold by the Brewery from under there noses. The made a Hell off a difference there and to be honest they have only been here a short time and already you can see the difference Can Only GET BETTER can wait to visit again

20 Sep 2013 15:35

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vanwinkle1980 has been registered on this site since 20th September 2013