BITE user profile - tw0106
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Username: tw0106
Age: 40
Sex: ?
Latest comments by tw0106
My friends and I call this Ono's.
You can't go there and take it seriously, the only reason to is when you are totally hammered and still rearing to party and want to have a dance - although I often find myself surrounded by girls who look about 16, wearing no clothes and think they are Christina in her Dirrty video.
It is dirty and horrid, you wait ages for a tiny drink that is expensive, you can't walk three steps without being hit on and it is just so damn rough. Bouncers are a joke, none of the staff actually care about you and if you manage to leave without being stolen from, argued with, hit on or spending all of your money then you are lucky.
If you can laugh at yourself and are desperate to keep going then it'll do. And when you wake up the next day and realise you went there, snogged some random person and spent all your money, you say 'Ono'
..hence the name...
10 Oct 2008 16:14
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tw0106 has been registered on this site since 10th October 2008
The North Star, Leytonstone
Aussie barmaid still drinks in the pub and am sure she would appreciate an admirer!
10 Aug 2009 16:25