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BITE user profile - tubbygit

Profile information

Username: tubbygit

Age: 46

Sex: ?

Latest comments by tubbygit

The Kings Oak, High Beech

Summer is here and this place is still the best there can be, what more could you want totty, a swimming pool and a beer garden. there is one small problem the wait to get a beer. But that is more than made up for by the people, this is the weekends for me till it get cold again. happy days

25 May 2006 19:51

Bull, Broxbourne

Nice pub good parking and beer garden thats the plus, it is a a cost the beer is very expensive and the food is a lot of money for small meals, the people in my party needed to cook when we got home. the food is well prepared just not enough

24 May 2006 22:32

The Hop Poles, Enfield

Well first time I have been here for 5 years and they have made the place nice opened up the back so good size you can see the football from anywere inside I was happy till...... I paid almost �18 for a round that in the Izzak I would pay about �12 for nice decore but not that nice will not be back here again

26 Nov 2005 15:33

See all comments by tubbygit

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tubbygit has been registered on this site since 26th November 2005