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BITE user profile - tremles

Profile information

Quality not quantity!

Username: tremles

Age: 68

Sex: male

Latest comments by tremles

The Fitzhead Inn, Fitzhead

The Fitzhead Inn reopened in early 2013 after being closed for 2 or 3 years. A small one-room bar-cum-dining room with Cotleigh Tawny, Doom Bar and Thatchers Vintage on hand pump, with keg Cobra, Carling and Stowford Press, and "canned" draft Guinness. Does great food and has nice rooms across the small courtyard. I found it by accident and stayed one night in May 2013. Run by a mother and daughter partnership, it was very welcoming and seems to have enough local trade the beer to be in good condition. I wish them every success.

27 May 2013 15:13

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tremles has been registered on this site since 27th May 2013