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BITE user profile - tiny_clanger

Profile information

I like real ale, me. And real cider and perry. And Belgian beer, especially lambics. *hic*

Username: tiny_clanger

Age: 54

Sex: male

Latest comments by tiny_clanger

The Windmill Inn, Southwick

This pub was demolished on September 28, 2010. Another one lost :(

3 Oct 2010 11:59

The Country Inn, Bepton

A friendly country pub with a massive garden (including a slide and trampolines for the kids), a good menu and excellent real ale - Young's Bitter, Taylor Landlord, Ballards Midhurst Mild and a guest - usually from a micro. Reading material is available for perusal in the Gents. Don't ask for sake if you're scared of snakes - the bottle has a (dead, but happy-looking) cobra in it!

3 Jul 2006 22:42

The Keepers Arms, Trotton

Good beer, the menu looks excellent (the Hungry Man's Hock sounds particularly tempting) plus the pub contains the world's most comfortable leather sofa. A shame there won't be any more Cheriton Pots as the brewery's gone :(

3 Jul 2006 22:36

See all comments by tiny_clanger

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tiny_clanger has been registered on this site since 3rd July 2006