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BITE user profile - thevanman

Profile information

Username: thevanman

Age: 62

Sex: ?

Latest comments by thevanman

The Coracle Inn, Shrewsbury

having been taken over by a holding company great land lord and staff a lovely pub to visit great rolls and food beers still expensive but thats now down to the holding company greed seems to be the thing

19 Jun 2010 13:30

The Oxon Priory, Shrewsbury

it was a case of old mother hubboard and what they did have was not to good

5 May 2009 14:12

The Yorkshire House, Shrewsbury

great pub load music good beer taller people beware from a time when short people in abundance lol well worth a visit

5 May 2009 13:44

See all comments by thevanman

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thevanman has been registered on this site since 28th March 2009