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BITE user profile - theoneandonlyapple

Profile information

Username: theoneandonlyapple

Age: 50

Sex: male

Latest comments by theoneandonlyapple

The Tap and Spile, Wolverhampton

This establishment can be compared to a rare vintage wine. Very matured, full bodied, and surprisingly enjoyable on the pallet. By this I mean:

Very Matured - The pub is a dying breed. Forget the chrome seats, flashy sofa's and special lighting. This is a spit and saw dust ale house. The sanded wooden decor, the glazed windows above sections of the bar, the very obvious antiquated tables and chairs, the smoke tarded paintwork on the walls and ceiling and the holed walls around the dart board all come together to make this a unique architectural phenomenon. You could not replicate a matured wine and the same applies here.

Full Bodied - By this I mean the landlord has struck the right blend of real ales and new contemporary drinks. There is a drink for all ages but the main focus is definitely the real ales (all on hand pulls). It turns out that many of the CAMRA chaps enjoy a tipple here.

Surprisingly enjoyable on the pallet - Apart from the obvious (the taste of the beer) I was surprised at the prices. Very reasonable - just over �2 a pint - bargain in this day and age. The other surprise was the locals; many of whom appeared to have weathered a few jars over the years. (many looked like a candle which had been lit for years by this I mean the wax mad melted) They were a strange bunch but at the same time extremely friendly. All of this generated a nice friendly warm atmosphere.

Overall an unusual boozer but great beer, nice locals.

12 Dec 2007 12:26

Crown Inn, Colwall

Good little lively boozer. Beer quality has improved and a nice selection of traditional ales. Never had a bad meal. Mixture of all generation get in.

28 Mar 2006 15:32

The Tap and Spile, Wolverhampton

Quality beer, quality atmosphere, freaks everywhere, loads of domino masters and unbelievable dart players. The majority of people agree the head barmaid has a foul tounge. The landlord is polite and has a full set of hair.

28 Mar 2006 15:15

See all comments by theoneandonlyapple

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theoneandonlyapple has been registered on this site since 28th March 2006