BITE user profile - the.guv
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Username: the.guv
Age: 47
Sex: female
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the.guv has been registered on this site since 2nd July 2007
The Railway Telegraph, Forest Hill
As the landlady of the Railway Telegraph (and very proud of it) I have to lol as anyone that knows anything about pubs, especailly in Forest Hill is that they ALL have thier ups and downs. We have had some less desirable characters coming in over the last few months and we have been moving them on as quickly as possible. As the police are trying to close a very undesirable pub in the area, we have had abit of an overflow from there, we have worked very closely with the police and our highly valued customers to ensure there isn't too much of a negative inpacked on our pub, I can assure you that we have no desire to have any 'low life' in our establishment! We run very successful evenings in the Railway Telegraph, and have a new food and wine menu available soon! We run a family friendly pub, where well behaved childrn are welcome until 8.30pm.(High chairs available for mini diners!)I would strongly recommend that anyone that has got a negetive impression of the Railway Telegraph to come in, have a drink and see what you think, it may not be your 'cup of tea, or beer'! But we like it. I would rate my pub an 7 out of 10 as there is always room for improvement. lol:-)
2 Jul 2007 15:09