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BITE user profile - tenyearlocal

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Latest comments by tenyearlocal

The Packhorse, Wythall

getting questioned at the bar what drink is for who because you are 'not allowed' to order more than one pint per person.

6 Jan 2013 01:11

The Packhorse, Wythall

they want to put the clock right behind bar, when you come in from outside at 10.57pm and their clock says 11.02pm and they refuse to serve you because 'theyve had a long day' and want to go home, well ive had a long hard day, thats what im at the pub. really winds me up, for the sake of 5 mins they are losing tens, if not hundreds of £s a week in last orders buying. i went home and had a tinnie, their loss...

21 Dec 2012 00:30

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