BITE user profile - teevey
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Username: teevey
Age: 40
Sex: ?
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teevey has been registered on this site since 21st December 2006
Username: teevey
Age: 40
Sex: ?
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teevey has been registered on this site since 21st December 2006
The Oxted Inn, Oxted
If you love banter applenty and plenty of chavvy filth, then the Inn has it all. As a Uni student you can't afford much, and so the Inn becomes an obvious choice....However I love this pub so much that even if I had the money to spend elsewhere I wouldn't, I couldn't. This pub has been my second home since the tender age of 16 and no matter how many people I've seen spew in the toilets, or how many fights I've witnessed, this pub will always hold a special place in my heart
21 Dec 2006 00:35