BITE user profile - sylviep
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Username: sylviep
Age: 69
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sylviep has been registered on this site since 25th July 2008
David's Place, Aldeburgh
If you have visited Aldeburgh and not gone to DP�s � you have a missed a unique experience. With its fabled provenance of over 30 years, retro style punctuated with 21st exclamation of wifi (the only site in the area), the paradox of chapel chairs with their bible compartments, it offers the best range of aperitifs plus the necessities of Stella and Guinness. The music is superb - they have perfected the art of the playlist and should surely market to those ipod owners too lazy or incompetent to produce their own. The clientele is as diverse and interesting as you would ever wish to meet � friendly and certainly not pretentious (how not Aldeburgh!). We stayed the night in a big comfy bed in a huge room with stunning double bay window views of the town and a glimpse of the sea. The dog was welcome, although the resident ginger cat may not have felt quite the same. Go there and soak up the atmosphere.
25 Jul 2008 13:11