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BITE user profile - sportsround

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Username: sportsround

Age: 43

Sex: ?

Latest comments by sportsround

White Hart, Wimbledon

I no longer live locally to Wimbledon but I do have fond memories of the Sunday night pub quiz in the winter of 2004. It was a spot on way to end the weekend and I, like morrissey, was also done with the old three envelope trick. the Sunday night staff were very apporachable, friendly and helpful but it was the overall atmosphere that was good. The young chubby lad who did the quiz used to have me in stitches and didn't take any crap or heckling from anyone without very much giving them a public slating!
It was a shame when the three young people who did that night moved on but i'm sure thery're doing much greater things these days. if they do read this then thanks very much to you and best of luck in the future.

6 Sep 2006 11:48

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sportsround has been registered on this site since 6th September 2006