BITE user profile - sparky76
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Username: sparky76
Age: 48
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sparky76 has been registered on this site since 20th January 2009
The Lighter Inn, Topsham
I've just told a friend we'll go out for dinner at this pub and when she looked it up, she saw a list of bad comments about it. I can honestly say, I've been over ten times and can't for the life of me recognise it from the comments I've read. We've tried a number of their specials and dishes off the regular menu and think it's great - and we're not easily pleased. The sausages and mash come in a really tasty gravy with gorgeous mash, the crab sandwiches offer more than the usual 'veneer' of crab you usually get in pubs and are served on lovely fresh bread, the fish dishes are always tasty, and the service is always quick and friendly. I've eaten at some of the top 100 restaurants in the UK, with food cooked by top UK and Italian chefs, and I would recommend this pub any day. It's always busy, which is a good sign - and you often have to book for a Saturday night. I can't comment on the beer but my dad's been there a couple of times and I'm sure he'd be the first to mention if there had been anything wrong. They also serve a lovely red by the glass, I think it was the Shiraz. Honestly, please don't base any decisions on the comments above/below - try it for yourself. I'm definitely going back, time and time again!
20 Jan 2009 12:24