BITE user profile - sophiejones
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Username: sophiejones
Age: 39
Sex: female
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sophiejones has been registered on this site since 28th March 2007
The Telegraph , Putney Heath
I am surprised at the last reviews, its true that the Telegraph is a little more expensive than some of the other pubs in the area,but only by a couple of pence and it's so worth it! how can you complain about �5 a desert, where have you been living lately? you'd pay �5 in a Beefeater where they come out of a packet, plus you can ask them to cook your food any way you want and I do ask!
As to the service I have only ever had great service all of the staff have always been chatty and friendly to me and they try really hard to accomodate all of your requests.
I actually feel comfortable sitting on my own waiting for people in the Telegraph - a one off in Putney where usually you are being hit on by some grubby old man or yob in a football shirt as soon as you sit down.
I personally would recommend it to anyone and in fact have.
28 Mar 2007 10:25