BITE user profile - simon70s
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Username: simon70s
Age: 54
Sex: ?
Latest comments by simon70s
Hi Naveen and what particular hallucinogenic where you on when you wrote your review or is this the only pub you have ever been to? It�s not a bad pub and I believe the people who have it work hard to run it as well as they can but the best pub in the UK? Think you need to seek some psychiatric help.
5 Dec 2008 19:39
Hard one to call, they seemed to get rid of a lot of the prats but now half of them seem to be back. I know this is a hard pub to run but I think they will have to lot firmer with people. I was in the other day and some geezer was asked to leave about 20 times and when I left about an hour later he was still there. Out has got to be out and now, not when the idiot feels like. Pub is now in the balance, could go either way.
5 Dec 2008 19:33
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simon70s has been registered on this site since 5th December 2008
Glasshouse, Norwich
If you had your arm amputated and like a stick of rock it was Burberry right through or if you are a grade one Billy -No-Mates or if your job seekers doesn�t stretch to you drinking anywhere decent then this is the place for you. If, however, you like pub with marginally more atmosphere than the moon, then give it a miss.
5 Dec 2008 19:44