BITE user profile - siamese_bagel_eyes
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Username: siamese_bagel_eyes
Age: 44
Sex: female
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siamese_bagel_eyes has been registered on this site since 1st February 2005
The Hawley Arms, Camden
I'm from Dublin but studying in Wolverhampton where the social life is on par with slahing your backside with a blunt knife and sitting on a packet of salt 'n' vinegar crips.A few of us headed to London for a weekend before we lost the plot and were drawn to The Hawley Arms as if by fate.The staff were just insanely friendly,the couches comfy and they really went out of their way to make us compfortable,even though we weren't exactly big spenders.I'm from Dublin,a capital city with a similiar rep as London as having a lot of yuppie-ised pubs where staff are jaded and unfriendly and make you feel like you're putting them out of their way to serve you a pint.You can tell the staff enjoy what their doing and this is reflected in the satified customers like myself.Great sounds too.Perhaps it was legendery "back in the day" as a metal bar but there's no cliquey vibe here.Just a decent,comfy,friendly welcoming pub.Thanks lads.
1 Feb 2005 15:51