BITE user profile - shellyandjay
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Username: shellyandjay
Age: 52
Sex: ?
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shellyandjay has been registered on this site since 11th October 2008
The White Elephant, Northampton
In reply to Bob Larkins comments about The White Elephant, I would like to comment on the incident which involved the Manager escorting the "middle aged woman" from the premises. What Mr Larkin did not see that evening was the lady in question randomly assaulting another guest with a pool cue, and the threats of violence she displayed towards other guests out in the beer garden, team members and the Manager. I am sure that if Mr Larkin was on the receiving end of her abusive comments or was the subject of an assualt a very different post would have been put on this website, and maybe a little praise for the manager for removing her for the safety of all the other customers, staff and herself.
19 Sep 2010 13:44