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BITE user profile - shaggybarnsley

Profile information

Username: shaggybarnsley

Age: 73

Sex: male

Latest comments by shaggybarnsley

The Bankers Draft, Sheffield

Ther was a group of about 8 - 10 of us that used to meet 3 or 4 times a week in here, last year; only because of its location to transport and the relatively cheap beer. Because of the surly bar-man and the poor service (got so long to get served we were buying two pints at a time, it was taking longer to get served than to drink it) we've all stopped going in. This pub has now got nothing at all going for it apart from being a hang-out for Sheffields' neer-do-wells a good venue if you're a drug-dealer, shoplifter or barred from everywhere else!
You'll be much better off walking around the corner and popping in the Brown Bear, by the Crucible Theatre.

7 Mar 2005 12:43

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shaggybarnsley has been registered on this site since 7th March 2005