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BITE user profile - shaggis

Profile information

Username: shaggis

Age: 62

Sex: ?

Latest comments by shaggis

The Alwyne Castle, Islington

I love the Alwyne, it is the home of the Highbury Groovers Netball Squad, I drink there at least twice a week and food is good, lots of space outside.

The problem is the service - it is appalling, waiting 15-20 mins to get served is just not acceptable.
When the bar is 3 deep, the bar staff then decides to go and collect glasses or just stand there looking gormless.

Also would be good to get rid of some of the sofa�s they take up so much space and seat so few people.

Come on Alwyne � get your act together.

2 Aug 2007 13:37

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shaggis has been registered on this site since 17th February 2006