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BITE user profile - sfellows

Profile information

Username: sfellows

Age: 68

Sex: ?

Latest comments by sfellows

St Margarets Tavern, St Margarets

My local and a very good pub. Great staff, great beer, great wine (although at �4.95 per glass it's also grating - but you get what you pay for), great atmosphere.

Couldn't really improve it.

6 Nov 2005 11:56

The Turks Head, St Margarets

What a waste. A previously fantastic pub spoilt by the bean-counters in the brewery.

It's sad when such a great pub now has to advertise "Karaoke" to drum up business. How low can you get?

More atmosphere on Mars now. Poor food.

I feel sorry for the staff now, as all their customers have gone to the St Margarets Tavern - which shows how a pub "makeoever" can be done.

6 Nov 2005 11:38

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sfellows has been registered on this site since 6th November 2005