BITE user profile - scarbororealalelegend
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Username: scarbororealalelegend
Age: 49
Sex: ?
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scarbororealalelegend has been registered on this site since 15th September 2010
North Riding Hotel, Scarborough
this pub is a genuine free house and has no tie to york brewery or any brewery.It does sell york guzzler and timothy taylor landlord on a permanent basis.The pub also does food(evening meals 6-8 tuesday-thursday,6-9 on a friday sat 12-3 and 6-9 and traditional sunday lunch 12-5)has quiz nights every thursday.You should really check details before posting none-factual information on this site as it can be mis-leading.I would advise anyone if in doubt contact the pub or check out there own website.Cheers! Happy Drinking!
15 Sep 2010 01:53