BITE user profile - ryanandsarah
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Username: ryanandsarah
Age: 40
Sex: ?
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ryanandsarah has been registered on this site since 15th May 2007
Osborne House, Rusholme
this pub was my home a few year back and we was there when hydes did the refurb and its was made in 2 a lovely little pub, but my mum and dad Billy and Val had 2 give it up due to me havein my 1st baby, shes now 7 years old. and me and my dad billy keep askin for hydes if this pub comes free again so we could run it again as we miss it ver much we come be back home soon (we hope)........... so maybe we will!! but this is a really lovely pub. u would be silly 2 not give it a try.. sarah
15 May 2007 21:34